Child dedication outfit for my new friend for Sunday service

Hello creative minds


Tomorrow is Sunday, it's a day to go and worship God in church for those who believe in Him, there are different activities and segments that goes in church before the set time for closing, starting from opening prayer, praise and worship, announcement, offering, choir ministration and the word of God will be shared, in some cases, there are special events like birthday, end of the month wedding child dedication thanksgiving and others which people come together to appreciate God for what He's done in there lives.

Tomorrow, my friend will be going to church for the dedication of her child, my friend gave birth to a baby girl few weeks ago and as the doctrine demands, the child will be brought forward by parents,families and friends before God to dedicate the child to God, for this, my friend decided to make a new outfit for tomorrow's service.

After the christian naming ceremony was observed, after two weeks she contacted me that she will need an outfit to go to church for her dedication, from the fabric gifted to her on naming ceremony, she gave me this fabric to make a peplum blouse and wrapper for her.


I made a princess dart bustier blouse with 720° double flare with puff sleeve and cape on the neckline, this is just the simple and stylish outfit I could come up with considering what she wanted and her budget.

To start with, I drafted out the upper bodice on a brown paper using her bodice measurement, before it was duplicated on the main fabric.



On the front part of the upper bodice,I ironed warden on it to make it firm at the bust area.


The upper bodice was set aside as I cut out the 720° flare from the remaining fabric using the waist circumference and the desired length measurement.





Before cutting out the upper bodice, from the main fabric, I measured out 2½ yards to make the wrapper, it was folded on the two edges and that was all for the wrapper, a long rope can be seen to the two edges as well if desired by the owner of the outfit.

The upper bodice was sewn together with the flare and at the neckline, I traced out the neckline on a matching colour satin to make a cape of my desired length, it was embellished with glittery stone and sewn to the neckline.



To complete the outfit, I cut out a puff sleeve with lining and inserted an elastic band at the hem of the sleeve to make it puffy.



Sewing all pieces together and fully turned with lining for neat finishing, I have this completed outfit of a peplum blouse with 720° flare with puff sleeve and cape embedded with glittery stone for my friend for tomorrow's service.


Thanks for your time, support, comment and encouragement, do have a great day, until my next post.


Your friend is surely going to be looking her best while going for her child dedication.
Nice work.


You are right, you need to see how happy she was when the outfit was delivered to her. Thanks @diyhub for your comment and support
