the simplicity of the breakfast menu, instant noodles, hot whipped coffee omelette


Hello all friends!! Greetings, at this meeting I will share my activities in the morning, namely cooking breakfast, a makeshift breakfast menu dish

For breakfast this morning I will cook instant noodles using eggs and whipped coffee, breakfast like this is actually not good for health, but what can I do because I am not an economically affluent person, I can only make my breakfast like this, because this is the only the cheapest food i can buy. Here are my activities in the kitchen.

The first time I did, of course, was to cook the noodles until cooked, the noodles I used were noodles filled with two, noodles like this were slightly more cooked than other noodles. I don't use two noodles at once, because I'm not the type of person who eats big portions, but I only need a little food at each meal, so when I cook noodles filled with two like this I only use one and a half.

While waiting for the noodles to cook here I prepared a cup of coffee sachet that I bought at the shop, this coffee is also one of the cheapest coffees, the price of this coffee is 1000 rupiah, I bought 2000 get 3, I chose this coffee besides the cheap price this coffee is also coffee the most delicious and suitable for making with the concept of shaken coffee, I really like to enjoy shaken coffee in the morning. I shake this coffee using mixers.

The way to shake this coffee so that it is involved in several pictures is fairly easy, here's how I do it:
The first time we have to prepare any glass, the second time we prepare Nescafe coffee sachets, and two tablespoons of sugar, and two tablespoons of water, you are free to use whatever water, the important thing is clean water. After the main ingredients have been prepared, immediately turn on the mixer and shake the coffee, the duration is free, the longer we beat it, the more foam and the better the taste of the coffee, the duration of the usual shaking is about 2 minutes, that's enough in my opinion.

After going through the shaken coffee processing process, it is immediately brewed with the hot water that we have prepared beforehand, and the coffee is ready to be enjoyed.

When the noodle cooking water is boiling, this indicates that the noodles we are boiling are cooked. Next, we have to throw away the cooking water, because instant noodle boiling water is not good for health, and this is one way to enjoy instant noodles safely from future diseases, throw it away. all the cooking water until the noodles are completely dry. After the water and noodles look dry, it's better to let the noodles sit for about a minute to make sure the noodles are really cooked and ready to go to the next stage.

While waiting for the noodles to dry here I prepared an egg for me to fry, I didn't use a lot of seasoning for the fried eggs, I only used a tablespoon of thick sweet soy sauce and a little salt.

Continue to fry the eggs, the pan that I use is not dirty, this is because I have used this pan for several years until the color of this pan turns black and this is the only small frying pan that I have, and this pan is used every day. The eggs look black like they're charred, this isn't charred, this is caused by the sweet thick soy sauce that I mixed into the eggs.

The noodles are ready to be mixed with the existing spices, the spices in this instant noodle are powdered salt, chili oil, and fried onions, even though it only uses chili oil, these noodles are very spicy and are not suitable for people who don't like to eat spicy food because This noodle is really very spicy.

Because I like to eat noodles that have a slightly sour taste, here I prepared a few pieces of lime to add to the sour taste.

ok!! The breakfast is ready to be enjoyed, to add a more delicious taste to the tongue of a village boy like me, I add a little rice. Boiled instant noodles, omelet, a little white rice + whipped coffee, this is really a very delicious meal at a low price.


CameraSmartphone POCO X3 Pro
editing photoMobile Lightroom

thank you for friends who have given me support and a place to share


Welcome to Homesteading Community!

Although I enjoyed your post, and I do believe that low cost meals like this are often a reality for many homesteaders, I'm not sure if this community was the best fit for this content. There are at least a few communities that are more specifically for cooking, like Foodies Bee Hive, where you may find more rewards for posts like this. Most of our cooking content is much more about cooking food that you have grown yourself.

I hope this helps you out a bit, feel free to ask if you have any questions!


I still have very little experience to be precise about the knowledge of what communities exist in hive, thank you for telling me about a community that is suitable for posts like this
