My best vacation as a teenager. LOH #145 [ENG-ESP]



Hi ladies, for this week’s contest #145 I would like to share one of my favorite anecdotes from when I was a teenager and I think it was one that helped me to be responsible and independent.

My dad was always very strict with our education (my sister and me) but now that I am an adult I realice that he was not overprotective and gave us the basis to be independent people, who could defend ourselves when we went out in the street without his company.

When I was 13 years old and my sister was 14, my older brother who at that time lived in Caracas, the capital of the country, invited us to spend vacations with him at his house, and my brother directly talked to our father so that he would give us permission to travel. My father had never let us go on vacation, not even to an aunt’s house 10 minutes away, and that at that moment he let us travel alone to almost the other side of the country was like a triumph and a sign that we were already growing up.

My brother was single and lived alone, so it was just us, he had to work and every time we went out he explained to us where to take the transportation to go out and return to the area where he lived and he taught us how to get around in the subway.


When he went to work, so that we would not stay at home bored, he would tell us that we could go out and go for a walk downtown, but that we should try to preferably use the subway, because of the comfort and safety that the service provided at that time. So we did, we would go for a walk and sometimes we would get off at other subway stations and walk around the city and in the afternoon we would return. All by subway.

It was a vacation in which I learned that “asking is the way to Rome” and also to have more security and independence, to solve problems by myself, it was an experience that helped me later in life to know how to move in the city, without showing that I was a hick. When I was 16 years old I had to leave home because I went to study at the university and live two hours away from my parents, the experience of my vacations in Caracas were a great help for me to adapt and later when I graduated and moved to the center of the country, they continued to be helpful, because if when I was 13 years old I could survive in the big city, at 21 I could not let myself be beaten for anything.

Thank you for visiting, reading and commenting


Hola chicas, para el concurso #145 de esta semana me gustaría compartir una de mis anécdotas favoritas de cuando era adolescente y creo que fue una de las que me ayudó a ser responsable e independiente.

Mi papá siempre fue muy estricto con nuestra educación (mi hermana y yo) pero ahora que soy adulta me doy cuenta que no era sobreprotector y nos dio las bases para ser personas independientes, que podíamos defendernos cuando salíamos a la calle sin su compañía.

Cuando yo tenía 13 años y mi hermana 14, mi hermano mayor que en ese momento vivía en Caracas, la capital del país, nos invitó a pasar las vacaciones con él en su casa, y mi hermano habló directamente con nuestro padre para que nos diera permiso para viajar. Mi padre nunca nos había dejado ir de vacaciones, ni siquiera a casa de una tía a 10 minutos de distancia, y que en ese momento nos dejara viajar solas a casi la otra punta del país fue como un triunfo y una señal de que ya estábamos creciendo.

Mi hermano era soltero y vivía solo, así que éramos solo nosotros, él tenía que trabajar y cada vez que salíamos nos explicaba dónde tomar el transporte para salir y regresar a la zona donde vivía y nos enseñaba a movernos en el metro.


Cuando él se iba a trabajar, para que no nos quedáramos en casa aburridas, nos decía que podíamos salir a pasear por el centro, pero que procuráramos utilizar preferentemente el metro, por la comodidad y seguridad que el servicio proporcionaba en ese momento. Así lo hacíamos, salíamos a pasear y a veces nos bajábamos en otras estaciones de metro y paseábamos por la ciudad y por la tarde regresábamos. Todo en metro.

Fueron unas vacaciones en las que aprendí que “preguntando se llega a Roma” y también a tener más seguridad e independencia, a resolver problemas por mí mismo, fue una experiencia que me ayudó más tarde en la vida a saber moverme en la ciudad, sin que se notara que era una pueblerina. A los 16 años tuve que irme de mi casa porque me fui a estudiar a la universidad y vivir a dos horas de mis padres, la experiencia de mis vacaciones en Caracas me sirvieron mucho para adaptarme y después cuando me gradué y me mudé al centro del país, me siguieron sirviendo, porque si a los 13 años podía sobrevivir en la gran ciudad, a los 21 no podía dejarme vencer por nada.

Gracias por visitar, leer y comentar

La imagen de portada es de mi propiedad editada en Canva. Traducido con (free version)

The cover image is my own image edited in Canva. Translated with (free version)



Hah I can imagine the happiness you had when your dad let you go on the vacation, that's a beautiful memory.

Thanks for participating sis.


Hi. It was the first time, but the most important thing is everything I experienced and learned on that vacation.

Thanks to you.


Parents are too over protective and serious about our education, thou its for our best, it is this form of knowledge he trust you a enough to go for that vacation


Yes, it was a lesson in trust and it served us well for the future. I am very grateful that he was not such an overprotective father, because otherwise he would surely still be living with them at home.


Hmmmm yahh thats one thing though when doing something good dont do it excessive, if not it then becomes bad thing


Que bonita experiencia, tu papa y tambien tu hermano les dio a tu hermana y a ti la prueba de confianza para sentirse libres y adultas. Siempre es un placer leer tus post.


Gracias amiga. Fue una experiencia que nunca olvidaré.


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