The Mortuary Assistant, review (ENG/SPA)




¡Hello, gamers! Today I want to tell you about a videogame I recently discovered called The Mortuary Assistant. I'm not going to say much because it's an Indie game and therefore quite short, it's about an hour and a bit longer.

¡Hola, gamers! Hoy quiero hablarles de un videojuego que recién descubrí hace poco y se llama The Mortuary Assistant . No voy a extenderme mucho ya que es un juego Indie y por lo tanto bastante corto, aproximadamente tiene una hora y un poco más de duración.

Let's just say that the story aspect is simple and linear, following a set of instructions while in the process, we are harassed.

Digamos que el aspecto de la historia es simple y lineal, seguir un grupo de instrucciones mientras en el proceso somos acosados.

The graphics aren't great, although they do fine-tune the details of the bodies, it lacks a soundtrack (at least I didn't think I heard it) but I would say that its best aspect is undoubtedly the setting and atmosphere.

Su apartado gráfico no es la gran cosa, aunque si afinan detalles en cuanto a los cuerpos, carece de soundtrack (al menos no me pareció oírlo) pero diría que su mejor aspecto es sin dudas la ambientación y atmosfera



They chose a very creepy setting and work, and that, plus the fact that they know where to place everything, makes the setting amazing. The scares are guaranteed and they don't need to oversaturate the game with screamers.

Eligieron un escenario y un trabajo bastante espeluznante, y eso sumado a que saben perfectamente donde ubicar cada cosa, hacen que la ambientación sea alucinante. Los sustos están asegurados y no necesitan sobresaturar el juego con screamers.

The high detail of the corpses treatment process is astonishing, it's quite curious to imagine how hard the development team had to work to include such a sordid race and make it work.

El alto detalle con el que se ve el proceso del tratamiento de cadáveres es asombroso, es bastante curioso imaginar cuanto tuvo que trabajar el equipo de desarrollo para incluir esta carrera tan sórdida y hacer que funcione



The controls seem to be basic and are not something remarkable. On the other hand, the design of the spectres, how they move or the subjective terror that the game manages to exponentially increase the terror.

Los controles parecen ser básicos y no son algo destacable. Por otro lado, el diseño de los espectros, como se mueven o el terror subjetivo que maneja el juego sube exponencialmente el terror.

All in all, it's a pretty good game in its genre, it succeeds perfectly and it's a game that I clearly recommend.

En resumidas cuentas, es un juego bastante bueno en su género, logra perfectamente su cometido y es un juego que claramente recomiendo.

And well, people, that's all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and we'll meet again in another post.

Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post.


I made the farewell photo in Canva.

La foto de despedida la realicé en Canva.


We've been looking for a good horror game to play and this looks spooky! Thanks for sharing!!


It seems to be a jewel of this year and the truth is that it is simple but with that simplicity and everything well worked and distributed, they achieved a marvel


I did have a quick look at this game... being a mortuary assistant and having to deal with demons and horrifying things while trying to go about your work seemed quite interesting. 😅 At the same time, I didn't really want to look at dead people for an lengthy period of time, haha!


Yes, yes, the game from minute 1 makes you feel very uncomfortable just by the fact of working the dead, if we add to that the paranormal it is a cocktail to throw the control screaming


I recently played through this game and loved/hated it. All in all, great jump scares, fairly easy instructions, but you must be vigilant or the game catches you out or tries to trick you.


I think that deception is the hook of the game as it is one of the things that generates the most uncertainty.


Completely agree! It's gotten to a point that I don't want to walk through a darkened room in the game anymore because I never know what is going to jump out at me!
