Even My Dogs Find This Day Boring


It's a holiday here in the Philippines and we chose to stay home and just laze away. Before lunch time, I was feeling really low like I was so bored. I decided to clean my tanks and the dog cages. I'm looking at my dogs Markus and Luna now and even them have that bored look on their faces. I feel pressured to do something now. I would walk them later in the afternoon. I feel sad when my babies are bored. Beagles have naturally cute sad faces but I just know they are bored when they have that sleepy look in their eyes midday. A pet owner can't be carefree about their pets emotions. This day is for them now, gotta fix myself and pamper these babies.

It sounds like I am all doing this for my dogs, it's not, they make me move and that's something good for me, too. My pets give me company and give me more reasons to be moving and healthy. It's a win-win situation for all of us.

来自于 [WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)


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Look at their cute looking miserable faces 😄
