Fried Eggplant



Do you know how to cook this simple but so delicious vegetable I cooked last night. This is two pieces of eggplants, sliced it and fried in a moderately heated oil. Frying it slowly until it became golden brown.

I processed the garlic, chili and black pepper, finely smashed it and put a little amount of salt and black pepper to taste. Removed the oil residue from the eggplant. Arranged it in a plate. Put the mixed garlic and chili on the top. You can add any kind of food dressing but for me, I just sprinkle it with lemon and apple cider to get my desired taste. It taste hotter because of the chilli and black pepper plus the garlic. This is just my experimentation, the time I was craving something spicy in my tongue. Anyway, garlic and chili are good for our heart. It helps the circulation of our blood our the vessels. No harm in trying and it went on perfectly.
