A Reflection Of Marriage..Get This And your Marriage will Be Better This Year


Marriage is like holding a mirror to yourself and seeing the real you, what you are truly made up of, and there is no running or hiding if you genuinely want to improve.

It has taken me almost 2 years to work out my own brokenness to an extent, and find clarity about what I actually need to do to give my wife my absolute best. Of course, I've always been mentally aware but doing is another thing you've got to work out each second.

Some of you may think, Oh if I find the woman of my dreams. I will be sweeter, kinder and more understanding towards her, be the best husband ever. But in reality this is difficult.
This is because you will come to find out that when you look into that mirror, you'll begin to see that man who falls short of patience, kindness, understanding, compassion and service and most of the values you've always known you were made of. Working that out requires admittance and commitment to improvement. For us men, we have to work extra hard because of how logical we tend to be when sometimes we ought to allow our hearts to lead than our minds.

For you are blessed with a wife who challenges you to improve and be a better person (like in my case) you'll realize that she reflects to you all the areas you want to improve and is actually there to help you through it. It becomes a team work but you ought to admit your weaknesses and communicate your commitment to be a better husband and human being.

While I have done well in other areas, I've always known that I could do better. In this new year, My only resolutions were towards her, and I didn't even tell her, They are all in my head because I have the mirror in my bathroom. I've started the year on a front foot already. Men and husbands should talk more about our shortfalls and seek help from our partners so we can treat them better with more respect, patience, kindness and understanding.

Happy new year everyone. My best to you all young couples doing their best for each other, and good luck to all looking forward to go on a journey of Love, commitment and life long learning.
