Ladies of Hive Community Contest #56 by @beatriche / Concurso #56 de la Comunidad Mujeres de Hive por @beatriche


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Si usted quiere saber lo que una mujer dice realmente, mírela, no la escuche. -Oscar Wilde -

If you want to know what a woman is really saying, look at her, don't listen to her. -Oscar Wilde -


Un saludo a todos los Hive amigos que visitan mi blog.

Hoy me uno al concurso semanal de la comunidad Ladies of Hive que nos invita a responder al menos una de las preguntas de esta semana número 56.

Para quienes estén interesados en participar, aquí les dejo el link de la publicación original

Sin más preámbulos, aquí les dejo mis respectivas respuestas.

Greetings to all the Hive friends who visit my blog.

Today I am joining the weekly contest of the Ladies of Hive community that invites us to answer at least one of the questions of this week number 56.

For those of you interested in participating, here is the link to the original post

Without further ado, here are my respective answers.


Si estás de mal humor, ¿prefieres quedarte solo o tener a alguien que te anime?

Tengo un carácter bendecido por Díos y bastante difícil de lidear, y por lo general suelo ser una bomba de tiempo, por tal razón, cuando estoy de mal de humor o estoy molesta, por el bien de la humanidad, es mejor quedarme sola, porque sinceramente, todo me molesta: que me hablen, que me miren, que me pregunten que me pasa, que intenten hacerme reir, que me piensen, que me escuchen, todoooo, realmente en ese momento me molesta absolutamente todo, por tal razón siempre opto por aislarme y esperar que se me pase mi mal humor, porque siempre he pensado que uno desde la rabia no mide lo que dice ni lo que hace, así que, para evitar males mayores, la soledad es mi única opción. Además, no está mal estar solo de vez en cuando, una vez al año no hace daño.

¿Recuperarías alguna vez a alguien que te ha engañado?

Imposible, soy pésima perdonando una mentira, la verdad creo que la persona que miente una vez lo hace todas las veces del mundo y aunque peque de prepotente, en ese sentido, soy muy radical cual descubro que alguien me han engañado, sin importar quien sea, familia, amigos, pareja, etc... me resulta muy difícil perdonar la mentira y si lo hago, pueden estar seguros de que el trato y la confianza con esa personas jamás será la misma, así que es mejor decirme la verdad siempre, sea cual sea.

If you are in a bad mood, would you rather stay alone or have someone to cheer you up?

I have a character blessed by God and quite difficult to deal with, and usually I tend to be a time bomb, for that reason, when I am in a bad mood or I am upset, for the good of humanity, it is better to stay alone, because honestly, everything annoys me: that they talk to me, that they look at me, that they ask me what happens to me, that they try to make me laugh, that they think about me, that they listen to me, everything, really at that moment absolutely everything bothers me, for that reason I always choose to isolate myself and wait for my bad mood to pass, because I have always thought that from anger one does not measure what he says or what he does, so, to avoid greater evils, solitude is my only option. Besides, it's not bad to be alone from time to time, once a year doesn't hurt.

Would you ever get back someone who cheated on you?

Impossible, I am terrible at forgiving a lie, the truth is that I believe that the person who lies once does it all the times in the world and although I may be overbearing, in that sense, I am very radical when I discover that someone has deceived me, no matter who it is, family, friends, partner, etc ... I find it very difficult to forgive the lie and if I do, you can be sure that the treatment and trust with that person will never be the same, so it is better to always tell me the truth, whatever it may be.


Hasta hace poco, no me gustaba hablar sobre mi, siempre fui muy cerrada en ese aspecto, pero estar en Hive me ha servido como terapia para expresarme un poco más y hablar de manera cómoda y espontanea sobre mi, además entendí que hay nada malo de eso en eso, al final de día es mejor hablar de uno mismo que de los demás, ¿no?

Agradezco a la comunidad Ladies of Hive por este espacio que nos permite expresarnos libremente y mostrar un poco de que estamos hechas. Gracias totales...

Until recently, I didn't like to talk about myself, I was always very closed in that aspect, but being in Hive has served me as therapy to express myself a little more and talk in a comfortable and spontaneous way about myself, plus I understood that there is nothing wrong with that, at the end of the day it is better to talk about yourself than about others, right?

I thank the Ladies of Hive community for this space that allows us to express ourselves freely and show a little of what we are made of. Thank you very much...


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Translated with (free version)

Todas las imágenes y separadores de texto son de mi propiedad excepto las que indican la fuente

All images and text separators are my property except those that indicate the source

Gracias por tu lectura y si te gustó no olvides dejar tu voto y comentar

Thank you for your reading and if you liked it don't forget to leave your vote and comment

Texto original de

Original text from

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Hahaha, 'it is better to talk about oneself than the others"!
And even better to talk about concept and other things.
But in Ladies of Hive, we talk about anything under the sun.
Thanks for sharing @beatriche.
Good luck with the contest.
Ladies of Hive is here for you.
This is where we can exchange ideas and be inspired by the stories of others.
Perhaps we have the knowledge to share or perhaps we need to learn from others.
No matter what it is ... do it on Ladies of Hive.
You are not here just for yourself.
We are here for each other.
Meet other women in the community!
Get others involved!
Support each other!
And let's have fun!


Hola, claras respuestas y sinceras. Me gustaron.
