RE: I Do Me, You do You

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The fact that this statement bothered you, speaks to your kindhearted, acceptable and caring nature. You care about others and want them to be happy with their life. You have a heart.. so of course this kind of crap will bother you. I think people like to tear others down with an "I'm going to get you before you get me" mentality, because they are unsettled or unhappy with their own life. Something is terribly wrong in this persons life and I feel pity for them. I think the best thing to do is just what you have done. silently acknowledge her negativity, brush it away, let it inspire you to never be that person, and pray for her. She obviously needs it. Keep on being a beautiful person.. the world needs more beautiful people like yourself in it!


I'm really touched by your words of encouragement @bdmillergallery - thank you so much for speaking to me today (': I truly appreciate it. I hope that she eventually will be as happy as I am too.

Have a blessed week ahead! (:
