RE: Justin says Steemit is migrating to Tron: Time to Panic or Things will be OK for Now?


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Yes you try something. You try to understand the “truth”. That there is no axe.

Lot of what is happening now is posturing. It will take months if not years for the buyer to understand what the buy is and then to implement any changes for the better or for worse.

Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.


Yes you try something. You try to understand the “truth”. That there is no axe.

The axe is the Steem blockchain being driven to the ground after the token swap is done. After that, a replica of what was on Steem will exist on Tron. STEEM will become a token on Tron. Tron is even more centralized than Steem is. Centralization is the very poison the blockchain space exists to provide an alternative for. In a centralized setup like that, you can kiss goodbye ownership and self-governance. You will always be potentially one hard fork away from getting totally fucked by the powers that be.

Lot of what is happening now is posturing. It will take months if not years for the buyer to understand what the buy is and then to implement any changes for the better or for worse.

I'm sure Justin Sun can reconsider his initial point of view. But his original intentions were very clearly stated: to move everything over to Tron after which the original Steem blockchain was meant to die. I don't take the man for a joker.

Blockchains are public infrastructure. They are protocols and decentralization is their entire reason for being. The notion of a proprietary blockchain is a complete joke.

The idea of treating blockchains as businesses has to be purged form the space. That would happen if no one ever paid a single cent for any centralized shitcoin. If any degree of centralization exists no one should invest anything in that coin unless the distribution is rapidly decentralizing. That process was underway on Steem until Ned sold Steemit, Inc.


Other than panic there is no basis to any of that. But even if you are correct we will protect the interest of steem blockchain. No worries.

Do you believe everything you see posted on internet? Lol

Have some good sushi tonight, perhaps with a bottle of good dry sake, that will calm your nerves :)
