Are Humans Even From This Planet?!


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In this world, there are two main groups of people when it comes to the origin of life on this planet. One group of people believes that life arose randomly, that is, by natural circumstances that led to the first simple organisms and all the way to the more complex ones. The other group of people believes that there was an intervention, that someone or something created the life that you know today.

These groups of people with different opinions are divided into many other subgroups, but the two main thoughts are, that life arose randomly, and life came to be with intention. When we take into question just one living being on this planet, called a human, the answers do not become any simpler, but the base, the foundation of thought remains the same.

One group of people believes that humans on this planet naturally developed through evolution that has taken place over millions of years. Another group believes that there was an intervention. An intervention that, among a larger group of humanoids found on this planet, singled out one being. A being that soon stood out and pushed out all other intelligent humanoids that lived on this planet and have long since become extinct. That being that mysteriously appeared is us, Homo sapiens.

Today, of course, we will talk about the other side of the story, the consequences of the intervention itself. Because some people proposed some very interesting theories and they believe that, not only that the "modern man" is a genetic experiment of other extraterrestrial beings, but that man himself was originally not created for the planet Earth. One of these people who proposed such a hypothesis and theory is a scientist named Ellis Silver. The man who wrote the book called "Humans are not from Earth". The word book, only begins to describe this work, an encyclopedia is a more appropriate expression, we are talking about 600+ pages of interesting facts and ideas.

The Factors

Today we will take a look at the most interesting factors out of a total of 53 that are in this book. Factors that talk about why humans could not naturally develop on Earth through evolution. This scientist also very extensively talks about completely different topics. Topics like "Where did we come from?", "What did our native planet originally look like?", "Original RNA and DNA" and "How did life develop on Earth in the first place?". He generally also talks about why he believes that the theory of evolution and our common origin in Africa is completely wrong, but much more than that. To me personally, and I believe to you as well, the most interesting theories come from the 53 factors that according to this scientist prove that the planet Earth is not our original planet but instead, that we were brought here.

If you are usually interested in such topics, I believe that you very well remember the story of human origin, told by the Sumerians, who spoke of the creators of humans called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki who created a new being by conducting genetic experiments and mixing their genes with the genes of humanoid beings they found on this planet.

In case you are not familiar with the stories of the Anunnaki, would you be interested in covering this topic as well in the future?

Ellis Silver expands such stories and theories and adds something new to such intervention on this planet, but also the possible creation of another being on another planet and its delivery to this planet would certainly have consequences for such a new being. A being that would not naturally develop on such a planet. And the possible consequences that this scientist is talking about are very interesting. When you view the human species in relation to all other living beings on this planet, it has many, unusual problems that it simply should not have.

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Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

The Harmful Effects of Sunlight on Humans

Well, let's start with the sun itself. Because these are some of the most interesting reasons why this scientist believes that it is possible that the human species originally does not come from this planet. The sun, that is, the source of life on this planet in general for humans can be very harmful. It harms our eyes, for example, which is why a large number of people on this planet wear sunglasses. Our skin and after a little longer exposure, simply burns. The risk of skin cancer increases.

One of the biggest myths is that black people don't burn in the sun. Dark-skinned people can certainly burn in the sun, although they are slightly better protected than white people. All of this from an evolutionary point of view is very strange because all other living beings are very well adapted to the sun's rays. Only humans have certain problems with sunlight. Ellis Silver believes that our original planet from which we came had a star of lower intensity that did not harm our skin and eyes.

The Mystery of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Another very interesting factor is seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression and mental disorder that affects a large number of people on this planet. It most commonly occurs in the fall and lasts through the winter, and there is probably no one reading this who has not experienced such a disorder during the change of seasons. Bad mood during the fall and winter, lack of energy, occasional or in some cases constant feelings of depression, and sleep problems. You have probably also heard the term, "Spring fatigue." The change of seasons in the spring that affects an increasing number of people. All of these are problems that affect only humans. Other living beings, like wild animals, have no problems with these things.

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The third factor involves various allergies, such as pollen allergies and asthma for example. How is it possible that a being that has lived for generations surrounded by plants on this planet, which release pollen and other substances, would be allergic to such a substance, and develop a breathing disorder? In the wild and among other animals, this problem is almost non-existent and occasionally occurs in some domestic animals, not in the wild. Also, a huge number of people suffer from this problem every year which is very strange because our body had hundreds of thousands of years to adapt to the environment in which it lives.

Unsynchronised Circadian Rhythm

The fourth factor and this is very interesting, is the Circadian rhythm. The life rhythm of all living beings on this planet. Everyone has it, from bacteria to whales, and of course, humans also have it. It is controlled by your genes, it controls the central clock located in your brain and synchronizes the operation of your body with the cycle of day and night. This rhythm regulates your hormones and behavior, your metabolism and body temperature, but also many other physiological and psychological functions. With all other beings, this rhythm is synchronized with 24 hours, how long the day and night last on our planet. In other words, for all other living beings, that clock is set to the rhythm of the planet. In humans, according to some research, it's a slightly different story. Our internal clock is much closer to a cycle of 25 hours. This has led over time to many disorders, from sleep disorders to severe, mental illnesses, such as depression, for example. When we add seasonal disorders to this equation, we get the answer for why such a large number of people struggle with such problems.

The Evolutionary Puzzle of Human Hairlessness

Next, we have a lack of hair on the body. From an evolutionary point of view, the loss of hair of our common ancestors who were very much hairy makes no sense. As to why our ancestors just a few hundred thousand years ago lost all that hair that serves as a very good insulator from heat, but also from cold is puzzling, to say the least. Our ancestors would often migrate to extremely cold areas on this planet where hair or fur would have been very useful. But for some reason, something completely opposite happened. We lost hair on our bodies and then started to put animal hair and fur on our bodies to compensate, to then again, protect ourselves from the cold. This is something you will not see in animals in nature that are adapted to the areas where they live.

Lack of Various Predatory Features

Further, we have a lack of defensive abilities in defense against various types of predators. This is a very interesting argument, because humans in nature are absolutely unable to fight with other animals and we have no natural defensive abilities. We have a very hard time surviving conflicts with other and much more dangerous animals. Our skin is simply too thin for any bites or stings from insects and snakes, our muscles and bones are simply too weak for physical conflicts, our teeth are too weak, and we have no claws or armor for any protection.

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Undeveloped Cognitions

Further, we lack in the spatiotemporal cognition department(navigation in time and space). Most other animals sense the Earth's magnetic field, which allows them not to get lost in space, and know the direction of movement and seasonal migrations. This is because they have their internal compass. Unfortunately, humans do not possess this internal compass or it is not sufficiently developed. Without devices, tools, and certain primitive knowledge, our navigation in space is very limiting, compared to animals that do it instinctively, which is also strange because if we have evolved together with other living beings on this planet, it is expected that we would have such abilities.

Chronic Illness

Further, chronic diseases, for example. According to Ellis Silver, there is no human on this planet who is 100% healthy. And all humans have certain chronic ailments. In some people, they are more pronounced while in some they are pronounced less. But as we age, they come to the fore more and more, which is also not the case in nature. Most animals are healthy until they get sick or physically harmed and do not drag chronic diseases for years and it is almost impossible to find a person who does not have any problems at all.

And Many More...

There are a lot of things that happen to us humans, but not to other forms of life on this planet. To not prolong this post too much, I will mention a few more interesting facts briefly, but if you are interested, we can continue to study this topic another time.

We have poor posture and problems with our feet and spine in a huge number of people on this planet. Ellis Silver believes that our body has not yet fully adapted to the gravity of this planet and that our original planet had much weaker gravity, which did not exert so much pressure on our bones.

Childbirth in women had huge mortality rates before the development of modern medicine. This is specifically because the female body is not adapted to the size of the baby's head. This is not a problem in the animal world.

One of the most helpless creatures after birth is a human. All other young are born with partial survival abilities, only humans are completely helpless and depend on their parents for years.

Destructive Parasites

The main reason why I decided to talk about this book is the following. According to Ellis Silver. Man is a foreign body on this planet, a foreign body that does not live in harmony with its possibilities and the environment in which it lives. It acts like a parasite and an intruder that exploits one area after another, consuming resources that cannot be replenished fast enough, leading to the destruction of the human living space. This is something that no other living being on this planet does. The only other living being with similar characteristics, but nowhere near as destructive as humans, are viruses and certain types of bacteria. Humans behave as if they have ten Earths, where they can sacrifice this one and call it a day. However, the reality is completely different, human beings are not adapted to coexist with other living beings. Beings that they exploit and destroy in all possible ways. Which is completely unnatural on multiple levels. Because supposedly, the most intelligent and capable species on this planet are completely destructive and completely unadapted.

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Which leads us to the main topic of this book. According to Ellis Silver, our arrival on this planet happened in the past two hundred thousand years. We are genetically designed on another planet where we may have lived, up until our arrival on this planet. And that planet had weaker gravity, weaker star and light, and also, less oxygen. Oxygen is an important factor and element that acts oxidatively on the organism, and our lifespan on that other planet thanks to less oxygen may have been much longer. The Earth, although sufficiently similar to our natural habitat and original planet, is obviously not identical and many problems in adaptation have occurred that we were not able to solve in a relatively short period of time since our arrival here. For complete adaptation and evolutionary change, so much more time is needed than several hundred thousand years. Which leads us to, hybridization, that is, creating a human being using genetic engineering. If you are familiar with such topics, such or similar creation of man is described in many world religions and in many world cultures.

An interesting fact is that in relation to all other living beings on this planet, including our visually close neighbors such as chimpanzees, modern humans have 223 genes exclusively related to ourselves. Genes that no other living being on this planet has. Basically, these 223 genes make us human, and not chimpanzees or Neanderthals. So is that a natural genetic mutation and evolution as explained by today's science and the emergence of the almost out-of-nowhere modern man, that is, this kind of being, among many other and relatively similar beings? Or intentional intervention, let's call it, genetic operation, through which the being is created, the being you see every day in the mirror.

In the story of the Anunnaki, many people believe that these beings created humans on planet Earth and that they created them in their own image (sounds familiar), mixing their genes with humanoids they found on planet Earth. But what if that Garden of Eden, as it is sometimes described, that is, the place where the first humans originated, was not on Earth? But on some other planet. And we were brought to this planet for unknown reasons.

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Living in Zoo

Ellis Silver speculates that the "Zoo Hypothesis" is possible. Or in other words, this planet is some kind of a protected area like some zoo, where extraterrestrial beings conduct scientific experiments for thousands and millions of years. In the same way as we humans conduct our experiments in nature on other plants, and animals, but also inanimate matter. Silver also speculates that maybe this is a prison planet, where such beings have relocated humans from another place and that is because of their behavior and destructive nature. So we would get a new start, a new beginning until we learn to live in harmony with nature and the universe. Only then, if we reach that level of development and enlightenment, will we be allowed to leave this planet. If not, it probably follows with the cleanup of this planet and the permanent destruction of beings, more precisely, the parasite called humans.


Of course, a large majority of what is stated in this book is hard to prove and most theses are reduced to speculation, although some things, like factors that we mentioned today, are very interesting and inexplicable. Does this mean that extraterrestrial beings created us and brought us to this planet? No, of course not, but we must be open to such a possibility because the mysteries of human origin and generally life on this planet are far from solved, far from that.

As this scientist speculates about our origin, in the same way, science speculates about when and how modern man appeared, because, to this day, there are no fossils and evidence that conclusively prove our sudden appearance a few hundred thousand years ago. Unfortunately, they do not exist. Or they do exist, but they are hushed up or mocked, as this scientist claims.

As the vast mystery of our existence is, so is the vast mystery of the sudden disappearance of other humanoid species, and other human types that have lived together with a modern man for some time. Imagine that in two hundred thousand years, scientists are discussing how other races of people have disappeared. How much evidence would they need to have an accurate story? Let's say hypothetically that in two hundred thousand years, only the black race is left on this planet. Just for example: Caucasians, Asians, and Indians have mysteriously disappeared and only black people are walking on the earth. Would that not be a huge mystery?

The problem with modern man is even greater because after his appearance, not only have the other races of people disappeared, but also a large number of other human-like species, specifically humanoids similar to man such as Neanderthals. Is this just a case of normal natural selection and natural extinction or were they removed by artificial means to make room for the unencumbered experiment called a Modern Man?

These are all the big questions that many people have their own opinions and different answers to. What is the truth of it all? That is a big question, and in my opinion, we know too little to make any final judgment, but that many things in relation to our evolution simply don't add up also needs to be clearly stated.

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When it comes to hypotheses. There is another hypothesis that can be linked in the same way to this current hypothesis and our original planet and starting point and the origin itself. Let's temporarily remove aliens from the equation. Maybe we ourselves came to this planet. As colonizers, hundreds of thousands of years ago. We share most of the common genetic material with the beings on this planet and that is because DNA is the universal code of life throughout the universe and all living beings share that code. For the same reasons, we have not adapted to this planet that is relatively similar to the planet we came from. Maybe that planet was Mars in the distant past. We founded a new colony on this planet, evolved on that planet, destroyed ourselves, went to war, survived natural disasters, and after so many hundreds of thousands of years, simply forgot our roots and our origin.

This scenario is perfectly described in the series Battlestar Galactica. A series that I recommend you watch if you are interested in such topics and probably one of the best series in the history of science fiction, but also alternative theories.

The possibilities and hypotheses are endless and as we do not have answers to all the questions, such theories and hypotheses should never be taken as established facts, but keep the possibilities open towards them until one day you learn more information or the ultimate truth.

Because you know what? Of all the possibilities and theories, one or more of them are almost certainly true at the same time. It is up to us to try and figure out what is true.

If you want to read the book yourself go on Goodreads Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence. By, Ellis Silver.

As always, thank you for reading!

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Long and beautiful


Long indeed haha. I had to cut so much out, the book is extremely detailed and incredibly interesting. Even though his theories are a stretch, to say the least, it does a great job of pointing out how much we actually don't know and how much we need to discover.


It’s so difficult to cut out, so next time why not do sequel a part two? It’s a blogging platform so it an option to do a p art one and in the past two link the first blog but this one was super good it’s just suggestion not mandatory!


Sure, I thought about that, but the problem is that I feel like these are the most interesting parts, and a sequel would mostly be like "Honorary mentions" haha.

There might be some really juicy ones I left out. I guess, I'll see how much traction this gets and then decide. Or revisit it later when I feel like it :D

One thing is for sure, the book won't be going anywhere haha


3343 words might be to long for some readers. Peakd gives the words and minutes read at the blog page right top above and might scare some away that want to read a few blogs instead of one.
Again just an suggestion I was pleased you published and I love to discover. Life AND hive is discovering new things and thought every day


Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe I could restructure this later in smaller chunks and point to this post if someone gets really fascinated by the topic.

Suggestions and feedback are always appreciated, so thank you!


This post is up and you don’t want to change this one the tips are for next blogs. In the termknal qe can talk more about it if you want


Oh, no, I didn't mean that, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I will leave this post as it is, but later make a different version in parts. Those parts would all point to this post so that someone interested can read everything in the same place, all at once.

I'm not sure I have anything to add to this, but if you want to give me more thoughts, definitely ping me on discord.



This... wow. If you are looking for a post that is a review... this would be it. I see that Britt has visited, and left you some thoughts; I will admit, it was quite a bit to take in. I do, however, love science fiction... aliens... My first love was Isaac Asimov and his "Foundation series". While most kids my age were playing with cars or throwing dirt at each other. I was reading the wonderful creations of this fellow... I will admit. Looking over your post has made me want to delve further into this author and the works that he has created.

Before I go... I would only suggest a few things... out of respect, and to amplify your awesome... For instance... from your post:

  • According to Ellis Silver, our arrival on this planet happened in the past two hundred thousand years. We are genetically designed on another planet where we may have lived, up until our arrival on this planet.*

Your sourcing for your images was very well done. But if I may... and not nit-picking lol (Seems I have a nickname of "Citation Cop")... for instance... from the image by "FelixMittermeier"... upon clicking his name, I see all images by him. Rather than the link taking your readers directly to the image. I am not downing you!! This was an amazing review post! I just want your sourcing to be synonymous with the content you are sharing... Perhaps try this routine...

When downloading an image. You are given the following option...

Opera snapshot from Pixabay

Now... remember that awesome photo? Slap it in the editor!! And once you do... take that link you got, from clicking on "that thing" in the previous snapshot I shared! Then place it under the image... like so...


Image by from Pixabay

Odd to see the PayPal but that's what the link contained. Here's the code for that... by the way...

<center><sub>Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=3385966" class="keychainify-checked steem-keychain-checked"></a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=3385966" class="keychainify-checked steem-keychain-checked">Pixabay</a></sub></center>

Now I will be honest. Admin James created a post, that explains this in a VERY easier fashion than I have... you can see it below...

I know... long winded reply, too! I just want to help you keep making the best content you can... Oh! Consider adding in the information from this Author maybe? Here's a link I found, from the site "Goodreads"... So maybe something like...

Book in Review: Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence. By, Ellis Silver.

Okay! I hope that helped. I will try to stop by at The Terminal and give you a shout-out. Keep on creating this awesome content for your readers!

@tipu curate


I know... long winded reply, too! I just want to help you keep making the best content you can...

I appreciate this so much! I welcome any future long-winded replies full of feedback :D


skin burn "by sun" is because of seed oils

hair loss is probably because monkeying around with radiation

civilization illnesses are no proof for us being aliens, but for us living alienated

aliens in general are a great memvirus :))


skin burn "by sun" is because of seed oils

What does that even mean? One of the first recorded uses of seed oils from Egyptians is actually as sunburn protection. I mean, I can tell you that the only times I personally got sunburns is when I stayed too long in the sun on hot summer days every time and did NOT apply protection oil, haha.

hair loss is probably because monkeying around with radiation

Just... how? We lost most of our hair before the end of the stone age era.

civilization illnesses are no proof for us being aliens, but for us living alienated

I agree this is not proof of anything, although the author discussed the oddity of these strange weaknesses such as allergies considering we supposedly evolved surrounded by things we are mostly allergic to.

aliens in general are a great memvirus :))

I'm not sure what computer virus has to do with aliens, haha. But if you believe that there are no aliens that's fine but that sounds so lonely. :(


there is a difference between having seed oils ON your skin and having them (because of food) IN YOUR SKIN
the infrared sunlight will solidify this seed oil in your skin - basically it becomes plastic
your body wants to get rid of this evil shit
that is why you have sunburn and your body even starts to skin off like a fucking snake

Just... how?

This is what is really love of you people
believing in aliens and simultaneously not being able to question the official narratives

memevirus is not a computer virus it is also not a gene virus like corona/covid/ the very feared viruses todays
memevirus is even more evil
it is a mind virus

genes and memes are both just information
genes give information vertically (mother/ father -> son/daughter)
memes give information horizontal (all information you got after birth, language, ideas, concepts, jokes, me giving you this information, basically whole culture

dont be sad
we are not alone
still not as you might think - the mindvirus is keeping you in a materialistic box ^^


Sure there is a difference but you didn't state it so you left me guessing, right? Anyways, that is factually incorrect, oil doesn't solidify under "infrared sunlight". Some seed oils lose moisture (they dry out, not solidify) in direct infrared heating (the sun doesn't equal infrared heating), and there is no reputable claim that this has any connection whatsoever to sunburns.

I don't understand how you can even begin to justify the absurd claim that our ancestors, thousands of years ago lost hair due to "monkeying around with radiation" but okay I see that you won't elaborate on any claims you make.

Okay, first of all, memevirus is an infamous computer virus.
Second, I now understand that you are talking about memetics, although by saying that memevirus is evil I see you misunderstood the concept memetics are talking about.

I might not be the best person to tell you this because I struggle with this too. But man you really need to work on expressing yourself. It's like I need a cipher book to understand you, haha.

I know we aren't alone, it's a statistical improbability.
