RE: Medicine Is Not All-Or-Nothing


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So from your perspective, we should go get the vaccine


My perspective is irrelevant.
Notice that I did not mention the covid vaccine once in this entire blog post. ;)
My point is that people don't need to be all-vaccines or no-vaccines, all-drugs or no-drugs. My point is that people should use discernment, wise counsel, and factual information when making their decisions. My point is that not all doctors are automatically wise counsel, but neither is Joe Schmo on the internet who didn't bother to ask a vet tech how big a needle that implants microchips is before he decided that vaccines are a secret conspiracy from Bill Gates to implant microchips in people For Reasons. I am just another Joe Schmo on the internet. I'm just encouraging people to look for good information and not let fear, guilt, and shame guide their decisions.
If you're looking at studies full of medical jargon you don't understand, ask someone to help you who does. If something really scary points to a study and you can't really understand it, keep looking: maybe that study is crap, because they only tested 20 people in unreliable conditions and no one has been able to get the same result since. Discernment. That is my perspective. There is no broad brush, one-size-fits-all advice, and I am not qualified to dispense such a thing if there were.


You're right it's good to have factual information. Our leaders say we can return to normal only after the population is vaccinated.
Shouldn't we receive factual information about the vaccine they present as a solution?
