Personal insight: gluten, glutenin, lectin, additives and food intolerance

I wasn't posting any art or music for days, because I had some health issues and my daughter started to show the same symptoms. We found out what it is and now we are curing both of us. So I took this time to do what every proper parent , I changed the entire diet for her, and that was the only thing that I was doing all this time.

I occasionally posted some food related things on NoiseCash, but that was all I could dedicate to the online activities. Hive is not Noise, these posts require more in detail work, formatting and I think I should bring something of a long post when I come here. Or some art, fiction, music... Anyways, I wanted to spare my main blog of my everyday drama until I organize myself better.

Child is fine and almost fully regenerated, but I will need more time because I was in this condition for a very long time. We compared our reactions and test results and I made a few very uncomfortable nutrition tests on myself.

It turned out that I reacted dramatic on the wider family of the gluten called lectins. My kid just started to show symptoms and her reactions were much smaller than mine, in the start. But then it started to snowball.

Lectins are the natural compounds in some plants like grains, beans, legumes, nightshade vegetables... that a plant uses for the defense against predators, either poisoning them if eaten raw ( castor beans can kill an adult person if uncooked) or discouraging them to eat it further by binding carbs in their guts and provoking inflammation.

Some are manageable by cooking, like potatoes which I am using without any problems. Others you can peel and deseed like cucumbers.

Soaking and cooking decreases lectin in beans significantly.

With grains you can't do anything but leave it alone. That shit inside of them is pure evil that refuses to be banished by any method.

I don't have an allergy but intolerance, and why this happened is still unknown. In normal circumstances these compounds usually start to show the consequences after a person significantly ages, so after decades of consummation. In that case a problem is interpreted mostly as an old age, which is just a part of a package.

I assume this happened because my immunity was spiked by something, probably the same virus that caused my daughter an auto-immune diabetes and it has something with my faster than usual metabolism.

During this period of changing part of our food, we also got off all processed food and food with any additives.
I make everything at home.

We can't use grains with any sort of the glutanine so I make pasta and bread from tapioca starch and millet flour. We eat little of that and minimized amounts of cruciferous vegetables ( cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli..) because kid has a weakened thyroid ( I think that can be a reaction on gluten too, so possibly temporary) for now. We also tried shirataki noodles, which are ok, and I make pancakes with coconut flour.

There is no much other changes, we already had a very healthy eating habits - besides of my occasionally cooking experiments, which I truly enjoyed. So it is fresh vegetables, small amounts of fruit, meats, fish, tubers, boiled potatoes, we don't do eggs beside in the pancakes, home made goat yoghurt ( I am getting a machine in few weeks, now I make it old fashion way), home made pasta, bread, tapioca boba tea and tapioca chocolate pudding...

A few days ago I made my first batch of the home made goat yogurt yesterday old fashioned way with heated bucket inside warmed ice cream bowl.
Turned extremely good.
Fruit yoghurt is one food that my kid enjoys the most but all store bought have unwanted compounds on which we are intolerant.
And unlike cow milk, the goat milk has casein A2 that doesn't cause issues and doesn't turn into harmful lectin-like agents during digestion.
It took me 5 hours of checking temperature and pouring new warm water to keep temperature of the bowl in between 42 and 45 Celsius so that yoghurt can be made.
From the BCH on Noise and some HIVE I bought a 1 liter yoghurt maker online which is going to do the entire process automatically.

There is a yoghurt maker here in a store, but it's not plug-and-play like the one I will buy and it is also double expensive.

I made a mini test bread from millet in convection oven and it turn out acceptable.
That's the worst I can do. Next one will be for a photo session hehe.
My husband thinks that this sort of the food is better and gives him more energy.
He didn't transfer to lectin free completely but he started to eat much less bread and the new food keeps him full longer.

I took a look how other people are doing on lectin-free diet, and I have to say that my cooking skills saved the day.
None of us experienced any withdrawal symptoms like exhaustion or fatigue as some I watched on YouTube and elsewhere, quite the opposite.
Just for the record, I am a natural hypoglycemic and I have a low blood pressure, that means that my blood sugar is constantly very low without me fasting and for that reason I can eat more fruits than an average person. Of course it can't be an extreme amount and it has to be balanced with other foods properly or I will significantly ruin my day.
Natural hyperglycemia is born-with and usually makes you feel like you are starving all the time and when measured even after hefty meals a blood sugar is extremely low.
Some illnesses may artificially produce this effect, and even without any condition if left unmanaged a person may significantly ruin own health by eating all the wrong things because of the inconvenient, untimely and completely unexpected hunger attacks.
Usually a good planning and scheduling helps a lot.
Usually lectin-free diet by the book suggests less fruit but in my case on recommendation I do eat a little bit more of it.
I had to make more modifications, for example all plants from cabbage family and millet pastry are minimized because my daughter's blood work shows that thyroid is tired, so I had to minimized any food which enzymes may inhibit thyroid from working properly.

We found one type of candies and some chocolates, so we buy one small bag and box an each for an entire week.

This experimental time didn't go all the way well for me. First, I was unwell and had to acquire all the proper ingredients, many are new and then start cooking and baking only based on some videos without any prior knowledge about these groceries. Millet flour that I am using for the bread and pasta doesn't act like a normal flour. It doesn't pull. All recipes has to be precise and only my experience saves the day. I mean, the lunch.

Second, my newly acquired energy fooled me into thinking that I can get all things done so I was overdoing before getting anywhere better. It is only an energy that I received from the new food without glutenins, but damaged on my liver is not fixed. It will take time.

Gluten is a member of glutenin clan and lectin mafia, and godfather is rice. Ok, maybe a lectin mafia boss could be pasta, but it has to be one hell of the noodles as the rice takes maximum on glutenin list.
I made an experiment with the rice to be sure we are not wrong. There is no reason to ban the rice, if it makes no harm. I was wrong, I felt horrible.

Just so you know what I'm talking about, allegedly a plant lectin amount size of a single flake of corn can kill an adult person.
Unlike some organisms we didn't evolve with lectin resilience in an equation.
Many toxic agents like natural plant toxins like lectin don't show up right away unless you are sensitive.
They wait till full accumulation and then your doctors tell you it is ok to have all those illnesses and be rotten because you are old.
Sickness is not a trait of old age. Don't buy that shit. Food corporations and big pharma are well greased grind machine. You are both the fuel and the meat.

The biggest crime of lectin is that it literally takes away food that you paid.
So from a full plate of pasta you get just half and the rest keeps on ruining your digestion and health in a long run.
I never heard somebody will be paying a thief and a murderer, that's why I call lectin a mafia because it's convoluted, hidden and somebody is pushing it for agenda and money.

I know that plant lectin being insecticide that is developed through millions of years of evolution and then made stronger by humans wanting bigger crops sounds like a horror twist from hell but listen to this.
You have a population of good germs called probiotics in your guts and unless you give them some straw to munch on, called prebiotics, they will rebel and start to eat your guts.
They will not just die from starvation, aw no, they will start to eat you first.
So instead buying all those expensive yogurts with additional probiotics give those existing bastards some straw to munch on. They will eat, multiply and everybody happy.

Knowing I have a gang of horrible little pests inside of my guts that are hungry and eager to eat anything, including me to survive is not a lovely thought. That's why I make sure we have enough straw for them, or fiber that they need to be happy.

I am disappointed with our food production and I don't believe anything anymore.

Basically a shelf life is more important to suppliers than genuine health concerns.
If everything was harmless we wouldn't need labels and minimal allowed amount of (insert rat poison of your choice) wouldn't be normalized.
Till now we should label food by superior features and not which one will make you less sick.

Prolong shelf life is only comfortable to the middleman, or sale people, neither producers or consumers have anything good out of it. Producers are usually measly paid, and consumers are getting poisoned.

There is no way to ban a child from her favorite sweets, so in majority I managed to make much better alternatives of her favorite meals than she was having before. But, I couldn't find an ice cream, so I bought a sweet cream that had all natural stabilization agent, the problem is that thing is toxic. I ended up horribly ill from only two spoons of it and it lasted two days. Kid was pale and without energy, but noting that serious. A day after I visited the same shop and found out that a supplier took the same product off the shelves. I checked the local news and found out that the same supplier took down two types of the yoghurt just a few weeks ago because they found pesticides in them.

They didn't specify which pesticides, but I found out that they use the stabilization agent called carrageenan that causes infection of guts and liver. Of course I throw away all their products out of my fridge. Plus everything that contains any additive.

Carrageenan (E407) is made of a sea plant that you will probably never even see in your life.

Why would somebody put a plant from the sea inside of a whipped cream liquid... It doesn't make any sense. We don't eat that, we never come close to that plant, it has no reason to do such a thing.
Carrageenan (E407) from Irish Moss causes so many bad stuff that I have to put a reasonable doubt on stupidity and really consider more darker reasoning...
That crap comes from that on an image.

Remember this when buying in shops:
If it has it, do not buy it

The second, we had some mushrooms yesterday. While everyone else was satisfied, I again reacted on something. Kid didn't eat much of the mushrooms and later said they were not "something", so we will put the shroomy friends on the bench for a while.

Anyways home made is fun for me because I like to cook, but all those new recipes require time, dedication, patience... plus menu calls for the proper scheduling, because there is nothing premade. Basically I have to make pasta before making the rest of the meal, so the preparation can last quite longer than before.

I hope this will work out, I am trying so much.
I learned some tricks and a good planning makes a world of difference, so I think I will be back into my usual schedule very soon.

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Interesting! Stopped eating Glycoalkaloids a while back, mainly solanine. I read some papers about it a few years back and found it shocking. I could not cut down on tomato entirely, but I notice a huge difference during my regular training. Lectins are really an issue since they also occur in certain argo ecological biomes of GMO crops are being grown. The only mushrooms i'd recommend are shiitake and oysters. Try living alkaline for at least 3 months. Works magic?
