The Misconception with Eucalyptus

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Eucalyptus Tree is a fascinating Tree that has its origins all the way from Australia and even though the species was new to us in India it developed a significant Ecosystem for itself here in our atmosphere. Eucalyptus trees are just huge trees that provide lush greeneries and are as tall as 250 feet one of the most important items that these trees provide is Eucalyptus Oil which has a bunch of different uses in a lot of different fields, but I feel like a lot of people don't know about the other half of things that Eucalyptus Tree does to the Environment and it is not that good either.

For starters, since the Eucalyptus Trees are very very tall it is very hard for the sunlight to reach the ground which in turn does not allow anything to grow below them which means there is little to no ecosystem below the trees. This makes it harder for animals to live as there is no Fauna growth which means animals don't have food for them to eat where there is a bunch of Eucalyptus trees growing. Add in the fact that Eucalyptus Trees secrete some specific tannins into the soil which also makes it harder for other plants to grow where a bunch of Eucalyptus Trees are found.

These are some common reasons but the most critical one in my opinion is the dense root system that Eucalyptus trees have which helps them to dig deep into the Water Table of a place and therefore dry out the entire Water Table, which means a Dry Ecosysytem being created where previously nothing was wrong.
We live close to the Equator which means we are a Hot and Humid Country so Water is very important for us a Tree that consumes massive amounts of water straight from our Water Table is something people should be cautious about while they plant more of them.

