Crypto Vs Gold


GOLD is something that holds a special place in our hearts here in India and it has a lot of cultural significance as well. In past, most people were buying Gold not as an Investment but rather as something of a Store of Value and only to be used when in times of extreme need. So Gold as an Investment only became popular in the last decade or so even then the popular choice of Gold Investing was Jewelry which as we now know is not the best option when it comes to Investing in Gold.

Compared to Gold Crypto is something new and has gained popularity quite recently among the Young Generation as it offers a lot of benefits with some quick returns as well provided you Invest Properly. Now the comparison between Gold and Crypto might not be appropriate as Gold is one but there are different types of Crypto. So the proper comparison should be between Gold and Bitcoin as Bitcoin is considered to be the Digital Gold of the World.

So when we compare returns then Bitcoin is the clear winner as it has given some astronomical returns compared to Gold but at the same time, Gold is way more stable than Bitcoin so yeah it really depends on what you prefer more Returns or Stability. Personally, I feel like you should base these decisions according to your Age and how your Risk taking your Appetite, and how financially secure you are in your Life.



It is best to have both though 😂😂
