Top of the tree from the Trappist monks.


Orval holds a special place in my beer pyramid and this is why…

..While Orval may not be one of the all time greats it is nonetheless a beer that set me on the path towards my ale education.


Belgium beers opened the door to my beer world and then I discovered Trappist ales. Wow! They really blew my mind. Trappist Rochfort are the king of the castle for me but still there are so many other Trappist beers to savour and enjoy. Besides Rochfort, out of all the others Trappist beers, Orval takes a side step to offer something different.

It was only since I began reading “The good book of craft ale” that I learned that the special yeast used by Belgium monks can produces beers that have a banana flavour and/or aroma. Now for me this was a total surprise when I first began drinking Trappist ales. I mean, who would ever have thought banana and beer go together? But I tell you what, like ham and cheese, they bloody well do go together!

Besides this unique flavour, Orval also has a great story to tell and being that I’m featuring this wonderful beer on this weeks #beersaturday post, it’s only right that I tell this story…

It is said that back in the day a princess visited this part of Belgium, and while enjoying the countryside she accidentally dropped her bejewelled wedding ring into a bubbling spring. As the princess wept by the side of the spring at the loss of her beloved golden ring a trout came to the top of the water with the ring in its mouth. Stunned and overjoyed, the princess took the ring from the trout and placed it back on her finger. After returning home the princess decided to name this place Val d’Or (Golden Valley), from which Orval derives its name.


A cheeky story for a cheeky beer. Those Trappist monks sure do know how to sell a beer 🍺 True or not I’m sold and I’m always going to buy an Orval whenever I see one on the shelf.

Have a great #beersaturday everyone and I hope you’ve enjoyed this cheeky little post.


Cheers! Trappist brewed by monks is always good! 🍻 🍺 👏 😎


Who would have thought monks would get into brewing beer! And be so good at it too!!
