Macrophotography - Everes lacturnus

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Everes lacturnus22/12/2023Central Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

Hello Nature Observer Community

Hello friends

See you again at this meeting, I will share a beautiful butterfly that you should look at carefully because some of these images are butterflies that are unedited and found in natural and fresh nature.

Butterflies are animals that can make our views more beautiful because the results of butterflies bring this nature with colors. We know that there are lots of beautiful things around us, but it is not as easy as we can get butterfly animals, signs of butterflies in wherever we are we will see its beauty

As time goes by and the changes that always occur in our lives, we know that there are many types of butterflies and each type always makes us beautiful to look at. This can move my heart towards what Allah created for all of us. We know that this beauty without its creator it would be impossible for lovers of this beauty to be full of colorful life

I myself am very amazed to see butterflies because every time I hunt animals I always see butterflies but butterflies are very difficult for us to catch because they are always very sensitive to what is around them so taking photos is very difficult, we have to be careful and slowly.

There are a lot of these types of butterflies around me, but one of the tamest ones is the picture I shared, while I found other types that I could only look at. As for taking photos, it was very difficult, even if there were any, the photo was very damaged, so I just took this butterfly.

This is all I can share. On this occasion I hope you can enjoy this image well and we will display several images in the next post in a new display. Hopefully those who visit the post I don't get bored with the presence of the same images so I try to look for images. -more pictures to grow this community

CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationAceh Utara, Indonesia

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