Macrophotography - Beautiful toadstools


Hello everyone

Meet again with me all my friends. On this occasion I share a unique mushroom that can be seen growing in a pile of dead wood.

We know that even though the rainy season is not frequent, it still rains, so plants can easily grow, and mushrooms can easily grow only in piles of wood or in other places. I found this in a wood pile that the owner had almost burned.

I don't really know about the condition of this mushroom, but I see that this mushroom is very similar to an umbrella, where it opens wide and has a small stem, making it a unique plant that displays the best charm for all of us, so I don't just ignore this mushroom.

it is clear that it grows not on the ground but on wood that was almost burnt by the owner so I immortalized this moment by photographing it and trying to choose the best one to share with my friends. I always hope that with this mushroom you can enjoy this picture thoroughly. good and with this mushroom you can differentiate it from other mushrooms and with this mushroom you can really use it to get to know mushrooms

What's more unique about this mushroom is that it stands by itself, one stem stands by itself, which is different from other mushrooms, other mushrooms often grow in a pile while this mushroom stands by itself.

there are some of these mushrooms whose umbrellas have broken because they have been around for a long time and as a result of not being cared for by the owner so these mushrooms will die over time and I am sharing some of the mushrooms so that you can collect them well

Yes, this is what I can share on this occasion with the mushroom theme. I hope you can enjoy it well and be entertained
