Macrophotography - Beautiful butterflies on wood leaves

Hello CCH Community

Hello everyone

Welcome back to me on this occasion I will share a beautiful butterfly that is on a corn leaf where this butterfly is very beautiful and even looks good because its two wings look unique and very beautiful.

Butterflies are animals that really care about every human being who sees them because the beautiful shape of butterflies fluttering before our eyes entertains us and entertains the people around us where the presence of butterflies will bring grace to humans.

Beautiful butterflies are found in very clean nature as a sign that butterflies always love clean nature and butterflies are rarely found in dirty places so butterflies are considered pleasant animals.

The presence of butterflies has its own meaning stored in the language of the term, but in reality, as proof of the language of the term, it seems like there are butterflies, there are guests, it seems like there are butterflies. There is good news about the wisdom of why this animal is liked by many people

To enjoy butterflies, I share several pictures, where you can enjoy this picture well through the following picture, I have edited it to black and white so that it looks better.

Those are some of the pictures that I shared, I hope you guys like them. I hope the following pictures will keep us entertained, see you in the next post.


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12
