Actually, I don't know exactly, but when love is analyzed neurologically and scientifically, it is possible to think that it is ordinary like any other emotion. But as the movie says, there is a big difference between knowing something and feeling it.

Greetings friends! I've been watching a lot of movies lately and I realized that I can actually write about them as a blog. The way I'll review them will not be like a professional blogger, but like a standard viewer who watches movies when he's bored. So instead of technical details and artistic highlights, I'm going to talk about how the movies made me feel and how they made me think.

Last night I had the opportunity to watch EX MACHINA and I wanted to write a review about this movie.


Story Of The Movie - Without Spoilers

Imagine a scientist. This scientist's name is Nathan. Yes... it couldn't be a simpler name, one of the names we think of one after another when we say scientist. Instead of using a more original name, a cliché name was used. Anyway... This scientist develops an AI and puts this AI software into a robot he designed in the shape of a woman. To test this robot, the AI, he calls Caleb, a programmer and software developer working in his company, to his side. Throughout the story, we follow the conversation with both Caleb and AVA, the robot on which this AI software is installed. We continue by learning what is unknown about both the scientist and the AI.

If you want to watch a sci-fi and thriller movie together, and of course, if you want to watch a movie with emotion and love, and if you are looking for a movie to watch with your lover, I can recommend this movie to you.

Feeling Of The Movie

Ex Machina is a more remarkable movie than I expected. Honestly, when the movie first started, I thought it would be boring and uninteresting. To be honest, I even took my phone with me and was ready to go on social media at any moment. But after 15-20 minutes, this movie became interesting. It's a gripping movie in an intriguing way. I would say it is more about Nathan, the scientist. It felt like the main focus of the movie was not on the AI, but on Nathan who programmed it. Because both the AI AVA and Caleb tried to discover Nathan, the inventor.

First of all, you're trying to understand how this inventor guy thinks when he's programming the AI and for what purpose he wants to do it, and you're also watching the movie from Caleb's point of view, which is the point of view of a guest-tester who doesn't know anything. Caleb, the least interesting character in the movie, often does things that we, the audience, would want to do. Of course, since he is not a genius, something happens to him at the end of the movie as a result of these actions.

While I generally like the thriller style of Ex Machina, it makes more sense when examined ethically.


Can You Fall In Love With AI?

Actually, I don't know exactly. When love is analyzed neurologically and scientifically, it is possible to think that it is ordinary like any other emotion. But as the movie says, there is a big difference between knowing something and feeling it.

If you think that you have felt and experienced the emotion of love for once in your life, you will question how a machine can simulate this emotion. I questioned the same thing and I watched the movie thinking that this machine, Ava, the AI, could never have real emotions. At the end of the movie, she did what I expected her to do. Therefore, Ex Machina is not a "surprise ending" movie. I think it has an easily predictable ending.

It still makes you think. But let's look at it from the opposite position. Let's say this AI was put in a male body. Not in a woman's body. I see in movies there's this fantasy of putting AIs in the bodies of female robots, and I wonder where that comes from.

If this AI was put in the body of a male robot and a female programmer was brought in for testing, would the movie have the same impact? Would we just watch a Terminator movie? Why is the male AI portrayed as more aggressive software and the female AI as more intelligent and detail-oriented software? Does a gender matter for AI? And would a woman fall in love more easily with a robot man or a man with a robot woman? Since the sense of protection and rescue can be easily manipulated in men, I can say that I think the answer to this question is that men will "fall in love" more easily.

Yes, sexual attraction is possible for all genders, but later on in the movie we learn that Caleb was specifically chosen. He even asks a question like "did you design a face based on my search history?". Here you see very clearly that it is Caleb, not AI, that the movie wants to examine. He's a young 26-year-old man who doesn't have a girlfriend and lives on his own. Now that I think about it, what would have happened if Caleb had been replaced by a happily married family man with children?

I find the movie Ex Machina successful because it makes you think about these questions.

However, it feels like a standard movie because it fails to go beyond gender questions about intelligent robots.


Can You Expect Any Suprises In This Film?

The tension is slowly built up throughout the movie and the information you are given is from Caleb's point of view, so the tension builds and builds. If you haven't seen many "surprise ending" movies before, yes. But if you are good with movies, it is not hard to guess the ending of this movie. With the information given to you, it is possible to think what will happen at the end of the movie after about 30 minutes.

I should also add that since I am someone who doesn't watch trailers, I probably could have guessed earlier if I had watched the trailer of the movie. I watched it after the movie was over and I wondered which scenes they put in, because a scene in the trailer is one of the scenes at the end of the movie. My advice to you is if you want to watch Ex Machina, don't watch the trailer.

But you can still see surprises while watching Ex Machina, especially if you haven't seen similar movies before. More than these surprises, I can say that I find the philosophically thought-provoking nature of the movie more impressive.

Final Thoughts

  • Ex Machina is a beautiful thriller - science fiction movie
  • Easy to follow because it moves slowly
  • It is possible to take breaks while watching because it is divided into episodes
  • Overall Score 6.5/10 and 5 of this score belongs to Oscar Isaac who plays Nathan with an excellent performance.
  • It's been 8 years since the movie came out and I don't remember it being talked about much when it came out. Now it wasn't a movie that was recommended to me by friends. So it's not a perfect movie.
  • It's a good movie to watch with your lover and have a philosophical conversation afterwards.

Thank you very much for reading! Do you have any other recommendations for people who want to watch movies about AI? I'm a bit curious because AI programs are very popular lately and make people's lives easier. In fact, every post we write is a meal for AI. Because by analyzing these posts, they can "rewrite" posts themselves. If this is really "writing". That's a whole other topic and a post can be written later. See you soon!


I really liked this movie when I saw it several years ago. i love stories with andorids. All those questions you ask, I have also asked myself when I think about the future and androids becoming a reality in everyday life.

There are already human replicas being used for sexual purposes. i think that will be one of the main industries that androids and AI will exploit. Also, of course, the war industry, dogs of war, the creation of weapons and surely our extinction hahaha although it seems all science fiction, we are getting closer and closer to the future we saw in terminator.


Sometimes it scares me and I say good morning to my fridge 😄😄😄


Great review!
If you liked 'Ex Machina' I would recommend 'The Machine' Caradog W. James from 2013.
It is low budget, but excellent sci-fi:) plus soundtrack is absolutely great!


I've been seeing that in my recommendation and the last time I watch anything with Androids was during a SHIELD series. I'll check it out this week when I can watch it as it has been popping up all over!


Yeah it is okay not the best but you can give it a shot 🤗🤗 I love terminator more ahahahha 😄


Terminator 2 is one of mine all time favourites!


La verdad no recuerdo si la vi o vi un resumen pero es una increíble película que usa efectos prácticos, eso me sorprendió mucho. Si esta te gusto hay una muy parecida llamada HER, es increíble la historia, las situaciones y como transmiten esa indecisión y dudas con los colores.


Gracias amigo, sin duda veré la película que mencionas. Cuídate.
