The woodlouse

The woodlouse is a very interesting animal when it comes out on rainy days and the ground is kept moist. This variety of arthropod is silver, gray and some species are brown and black.

Its body has a kind of sectioned armor, which provides protection to its internal organs. The woodlouse is a member of the Order Isopoda, it has one pair of legs on each body section and a total of 14 legs, so it is not an insect!


When I touched it with the petal of a red flower it curled up with its body forming a kind of ball, so I discovered that it has an extra protection mechanism against predators.

Possibly it is a vegetarian, as it stays right in the grass and damp places. I was also able to observe the pair of antennae that it moved frequently to detect odors and orient itself while moving around with that many joints.


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