Emotions and Feelings of Others and How to go about it

People have different personalities and unique ways of thinking. It will be a good move if understand that they are people who're just logical in nature while they're other who are more emotional. Even though logic trumps emotion in most situations, it doesn’t mean that emotions shouldn’t be considered. In fact, recognizing someone’s emotions can be a key to understanding them as a person. Understanding emotions is critical to communicating with others successfully, building trust, and maintaining relationships. It can also help you understand yourself better as well as the people around you. Fortunately, if you think you may struggle with this concept, there are some ways to help improve your ability to recognize other people’s feelings and understand their thoughts and intentions more clearly.

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Recognizing emotions and feelings

Always learn how to recognize and understand emotions and feelings. Why is this so important? It’s because so much of our daily decision-making is predicated on emotions and feelings rather than logic. You may not even be aware that this is going on, but it most definitely is. When you learn to recognize the different emotions and feelings that are present in your life, it will become much easier for you to identify them in others as well. This will help you to create better relationships with the people in your life, whether they’re your co-workers, your customers, or even your family members. Emotions and feelings are very powerful, and if you can learn to understand them, you will have a major advantage when it comes to succeeding in life.

Understanding Logic and Emotions

It’s important to understand that emotions and feelings are not logical. In other words, they have nothing to do with factual information. In fact, emotions and feelings have very little to do with anything that’s actually happening outside in the real world. This is something that you’ll want to keep in mind as you’re trying to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. For example, let’s say that you’re trying to increase your income. You decide that you want to start a side business selling t-shirts online. You’ve heard that it’s a great way to make money, so you go out and buy some shirts, set up a website, and then you wait and wait and wait for the money to start rolling in. It doesn’t happen. You get frustrated, you get impatient, and you get angry. Why is this happening? What are all of these emotions and feelings about? Logic would dictate that if you buy the shirts, set up the website, and promote the website, you’ll start to make money. But it doesn’t work that way. Your emotions have nothing to do with the shirts or the website. They have everything to do with your expectations.

Identify the feeling you’re having

One way to begin to understand the emotions that are currently being experienced by you or someone you’re interacting with is to figure out what feeling you’re experiencing at the moment. This could be a very powerful first step toward identifying the emotion that’s driving the feeling. Once you can identify the feeling you’re experiencing, you can then begin to ask yourself why you’re feeling that way. Why are you feeling impatient, frustrated, angry, happy, sad, etc.? Once you can identify the emotion driving the feeling, you can begin to think about what caused that emotion. In the example above, you may find that you’re feeling impatient because you set expectations for yourself that are too high. You may have overpromised and over-spoke about your t-shirt business and set expectations for yourself that are not realistic. If that’s the case, you can begin to take steps to lower your expectations. You can also work on calming yourself down so that you can begin to make more rational decisions.

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Identify the emotion you’re observing in someone else

Another way to go about determining the emotions that are influencing the decisions and actions of others is to simply observe the emotion that is being displayed by that person. This is something that you can do very quickly and easily, especially when you’re interacting with people in face-to-face scenarios. For example, let’s say that you run a t-shirt business. You have a lot of customers who order t-shirts online. You’ve been trying to sell these shirts using Facebook ads, but the ads aren’t converting. You’re spending a lot of money on these ads and getting very few sales. You’ve tried lowering the cost of the ads and changing the targeting, but it’s not helping. You’re getting frustrated and you’re beginning to feel like maybe you should just give up on Facebook ads entirely. But you don’t want to do that because you know that they work for a lot of other people. What should you do? One way to figure this out is to simply observe the emotions that are being displayed by the people who are running the Facebook ads for you.

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Better Ways to Understand Feelings and Emotions

One way to help you become better at understanding the emotions and feelings of other people is to try to put yourself in their shoes. In other words, imagine how you would feel if you were in their situation. Imagine that your Facebook ads were not converting. What would you be thinking and feeling? Once you’ve identified the emotion you would be experiencing in that situation, you’re one step closer to understanding how it would impact the decisions you make. Another great way to become better at understanding the emotions and feelings of others is to become a better listener. It’s extremely difficult to understand the emotions and feelings of others when you’re not really paying attention to what they’re saying. The next time you’re having a conversation with someone, be sure to really listen to what they’re saying.


I do hope that everyone of us will have such kind of understanding in terms of emotion for ourselves and other people. Because in reality, there ar elots of people who invalidated other people's feelings saying that being sensitive. And it hurts. Well, maybe I felt hurt for I expect that the person I thouht will understand my feelings and emotion seems invalidate what I feel and seems shows me that I should not act so sensitive. But what can I do if I easily get hurt.

By the way, nice write up. ☺️
I learn a lot.


Humans are just difficult to handle but little understanding will do dear.


Yeah that's true. ☺️


Hi, @apunawu very good suggestions 👍

Getting oriented and knowing how we react to emotions and how others react, contributes to us having good friends and being a good friend.

Thanks for the support, good post 👍.


Thanks for the courage given to me through my post. I'm grateful.
