People without brakes, Coffee shop without brakes | Gente sin frenos, Cafeteria sin frenos | Eng-Esp


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Today I want to share with you a brief story of a working man in my city, which shows us that we don't need so much to get started.

A few days ago, walking through the city I met the person in the photo. A man of about 45 years old.

Earlier I had seen a publication of a barista friend in the area who had talked to him and briefly told his story.

Among the things he had in his house, friendships, and searching little by little, he built this enterprise. A cart with everything necessary to make a specialty coffee. As artisanal as it may seem, it had several advantages. How fortunate we were to run into supportive people.

A friend of his who repairs coffee machines helped him to activate this piston equipment that had been idle for a long time. And my barista friend taught him part of his knowledge so that he could offer better coffee and take advantage of this investment of time, energy and love.

Today I see him from time to time in some busy corner of the city. This character is getting more and more noticed....

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Hoy quiero compartir contigo una breve historia de un hombre trabajador en mi ciudad, que nos muestra que no necesitamos tanto para iniciar.

Hace unos dias, andando por la ciudad me cruce con el personaje de la foto. Un señor de aproximadamente 45 años.

Antes habia visto una publicacion de un amigo barista de la zona que habia conversado con el y expuso su historia brevemente.

Entre las cosas que tenia en su casa, amistades e ir buscando de poco en poco, construyo este emprendimiento. Un carrito con lo necesario para hacer un cafe de especialidad. Por artesanal que se vea, tuvo varias ventajas. Que fortuna con toparnos con gente solidaria.

Un amigo de el que repara maquinas de cafe le colaboro para activar este equipo de pistón que tenia mucho tiempo parado. Y mi amigo barista, le enseño parte de su conocimiento para que pudiera ofrecer mejor cafe y aprovechar esta inversion de tiempo energía y amor.

Hoy lo veo de vez en cuando en alguna esquina transitada de la ciudad. Cada vez se hace mas notar este personaje...

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Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad | All photos are my property

banner ANY ESPEJO.pngBanner creado en Canva | Banner created in Canva


Hello @any94, this just shows you what is possible when you set your mind to achieve something. I like the ingenuity and entrepreneural mindset:)
Thanks for sharing!
