International Women's Day! To the women I loved and will love the most in this life💜.


Today I want to congratulate women around the world, I know that it is said that we should not congratulate on this day, if it is not commemorated. I believe that it should be congratulated, because being a woman in this society is not easy, even though we have more rights there are still labor injustices, mistreatment at home and violations of our rights. But that is why we must continue in the struggle.

Hoy quiero felicitar a las mujeres del todo el mundo, sé que se dice que no se debe felicitar por este día, si no se conmemora. Considero que si se debe felicitar, porque ser mujer en esta sociedad no llega a ser fácil, a pesar de que tenemos más derechos aún existe las injusticias laborales, el maltrato en el hogar y la violaciones a nuestros derechos. Pero por eso debemos seguir en la lucha.

However, I believe that you must always take into account the figures that have made you what you are, I have had two maternal figures whom I have admired but more than for what they could achieve materially in this world, I do it for their mettle, for the way they raise, for the way they are and above all for the way they love, I present to my warriors my mother and my grandmother.

Sin embargo considero que siempre hay que tener en cuenta a las figuras que te han hecho lo que eres, he tenido dos figuras maternales las cuales he admirado pero más que por lo que pudieran conseguir a nivel material en este mundo, lo hago por su temple, por la forma de criar, por la forma de estar y sobre todo por la forma de amar, les presento a mis guerreras a mi mamá y mi abuela.

My mother has never been an absent mother figure, I have had the grace of having an all-terrain mother who has worked and raised, who has seen me, who has seen her siblings, who has seen her husband but has never stopped seeing herself. My mom is a combination of the traditional mentality but she is also the new, the one who has taught me that values are earned and must be exercised, the one who has taught me that even though good deeds sometimes are not seen you know you are doing them, the person who stood up at my graduation to applaud me because she celebrates my achievements more than I do myself, I love you mom and I congratulate you not for being my mother but for being the respectable and fighting woman I know.

Mi mamá nunca ha sido una figura maternal ausente, he tenido la gracia de tener una madre todo terreno que ha trabajado y criado, que ha visto de mí, que ha visto de sus hermanos, que ha visto de su esposo pero nunca ha dejado de verse. Mi mamá es una combinación a la mentalidad tradicional pero también es lo nuevo, la quien me ha enseñado que los valores son ganados y que se deben ejercer, la que me ha enseñado que a pesar de que las buenas acciones a veces no son vistas tu si sabes que la estás haciendo, la persona que se levantó en mi graduación aplaudirme porque celebra mis logros más que yo misma, te amo mamá y te felicito no por ser mi madre si no por ser esa mujer respetable y luchadora que conozco.


My grandmother, the wound in my heart that will not heal completely, she is a lady who was able to live in her grace for a long time, she lived the machismo in her own flesh. She is the one who made me understand that even though sometimes the mentality is hard to change we can also form our own ideals, she could not study but she encouraged each of her grandchildren to learn, to educate themselves. She is the one who advised you when something was not going well and also someone with a high temperament despite the years, I feel that you could have lived in a world where you were not deprived of so many things but unfortunately we can not change the time, you are the living example that despite the events we can be us.

Mi abuela, la herida que en mi corazón no sanara completamente, ella es una señora que pudo vivir en su gracia bastante tiempo, ella vivió el machismo a carne propia. Es la que me hizo entender que a pesar de que a veces la mentalidad cuesta cambiar nosotros también podemos formar nuestros propios ideales, ella no pudo estudiar pero animo a cada uno de sus nietos aprender, a instruirse. Ella es aquella que te aconsejaba cuando algo no iba bien y también alguien con su temperamento en alto a pesar de los años, siento que pudiste vivir en un mundo donde no te privaran de tantas cosas pero lamentablemente no podemos cambiar el tiempo, eres el vivo ejemplo de que a pesar de los acontecimientos podemos ser nosotros.


Maybe it sounds bad, but I want to congratulate me, a girl who tries to grow in adversity. Who likes to express herself without taboo and who loves to see a better world every day, I continue in the struggle for a just society where I am not afraid to go out alone at night or what to wear to go to college, I feel that we are in the generation that we are not afraid of anything and we are willing to fight for everything.

Tal vez suene mal, pero me quiero felicitar a mí, a una chica que intenta crecer en la adversidad. Que le gusta expresarse sin tabú y que ama poder ver un mundo mejor cada día, sigo en la lucha de una sociedad justa donde no me de miedo salir sola de noche o que ponerme para ir a la Universidad, siento que estamos en la generación que no le tenemos miedo a nada y estamos dispuestas a luchar por todo.


March 8th is a reminder of those who are no longer here, of those of us who are still here and of those who are coming. Let's be a team in every sense of the word ¡Vivan las mujeres!

8 de Marzo, es un recordatorio de las que ya no están, de las que aún estamos y de las que vienen. Seamos un equipo en todo el sentido de la palabra ¡Vivan las mujeres!



Mothers and Grandmothers play such a big part in who we become, woman of the home are normally there to guide and help us more than we realize, when they are gone we reflect as we grow older as to how much they did, good time to be grateful!



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