Great FEMALE Protagonists 💜


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Hello dear Hive community, I hope you are doing well. As always it is a pleasure to talk to you about books and good readings. We are close to commemorate the International Women's Day, so I bring you four books where I will talk about the power of their protagonists, to comment on it I will make Spoiler, so let's start.

Hola querida comunidad de Hive, espero se encuentren muy bien. Como siempre es un placer venir hablarles sobre libros y buenas lecturas. Estamos cerca de conmemorar el día Internacional de la mujer, por ello les traigo cuatro libros en donde hablare sobre el poder de sus protagonistas, para comentar sobre ello les hare Spoiler, así que comencemos.

4. Emily Malhore (The King's Perfume)(El Perfume del Rey)

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Considero que entre los personajes femeninos casi nunca hay equilibrios entre la delicadeza y la dureza que puede presentar una protagonista, pero ese no fue el caso de Emily una chica que a pesar de ser dulce y tierna es capaz de defender a los que quiere, no le tuvo miedo a lo desconocido he hizo lo imposible por regresar con sus seres queridos, además de mostrar de sororidad antes las mujeres un ejemplo cuando Stefan decreto lo de las sirvientas en su castillo solo para estar con ella y Emily le pidió que las dejara ir ya que era injusto, ella es una gran protagonista.

I believe that among the female characters there is almost never a balance between the delicacy and hardness that a protagonist can present, but that was not the case of Emily, a girl who despite being sweet and tender is able to defend those she loves, she was not afraid of the unknown and did the impossible to return to her loved ones, besides showing sorority before women, an example when Stefan decreed the maids in his castle just to be with her and Emily asked him to let them go because it was unfair, she is a great protagonist.

3.Jude Duarte (The cruel prince)(El príncipe cruel)


One of my favorite characters by far, she is a great female empowerment because despite being afraid she always tried to stand, in a world where she was different she was able to keep Cardan on the throne, she was a mastermind is tactics in addition to being able to manage her feelings. She is the sample of the measure does not make you, it makes you stronger and despite being a woman and human she was underestimated she ended up being King of the fairy world.

Uno de mis personajes favoritos por mucho, ella es un gran empoderamiento femenino ya que a pesar de tener miedo siempre intento estar de pie, en un mundo donde ella era diferente pudo mantener a Cardan en el trono, era una mente maestra es la táctica además de poder manejar sus sentimientos. Ella es la muestra del mido no te hace, te vuelve más fuerte y a pesar de que por ser mujer y humana la subestimaban termino siendo Reyna del mundo de la hadas.

2.Bee (The Chemistry of Love)(La Química del Amor)

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Although the book was not my favorite, I could say that I always have admiration for characters with professional growth. Bee is a neuroscientist who works at NASA, she is in the team to make a helmet with Neurotramisors in which she works with a lot of passion, she is someone spontaneous that despite having a good position she doesn't mind showing herself as she is, with her dyed hair and the way she dresses, I feel that's what it's about getting worse being yourself, fight for your ideals and never give up.

A pesar de que el libro no fue mi favorito, pudo decir que siempre tengo admiración por personajes con crecimiento profesional. Bee es una neurocientifica que trabaja en la NASA, está en el equipo para hacer un casco con Neurotramisores en el cual trabaja con mucha pasión, es alguien espontanea que a pesar de tener un buen cargo no le importa mostrase tal y como es, con su pelo teñido y su manera de vestir, siento que de eso se trata el empeoramiento ser uno mismo, lucha por sus ideales y nunca rendirse.

1.Elena Huelva (My Wishes Win)(Mis Ganas Ganan)

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She is not a character but she is one of the few non-fiction books I have read, she is Elena, a girl from Seville who was diagnosed with cancer, her book is about the fight against this disease, but she narrates it in a non-unrealistic way because she was afraid, desperate and did not know how to process all that, but despite everything she had the best energy to fight against it, her desire always won and it makes me sad to remember that she is no longer on this earthly plane, She had fear, despair and did not know how to process all that, but in spite of everything she had the best energy to fight against it, her desire always won and it makes me sad to remember that she is no longer on this earthly plane, but without a doubt she is an example of struggle and that you can put the best attitude to everything.

Ella no es un personaje pero es una de las pocos libros de no ficción que he leído, ella es Elena una chica Sevillana la cual le diagnostican Cáncer, su libro se trata de la lucha contra esta enfermedad, pero ella lo narra de una manera no irrealista porque tuvo miedo, desesperanza y no sabía cómo procesar todo aquello, pero a pesar de todo tuvo la mejor de las energías para luchar contra aquello, sus ganas siempre ganaron y me da tristeza recordar que ella ya no está en este plano terrenal, pero sin duda es un ejemplo de lucha y que se le puede poner la mejor actitud a todo.

These are some of the best female characters that I have read, that are worth reading and without a doubt that I will not repeat myself after reading them. Because each one of them left me a message, don't you think it's beautiful to be a woman? No doubt we are magic in this world.

Estas son algunas de los mejores personajes femeninos que he leído, que valen la pena leer y sin duda que no me repetiré de haberlas leído. Porque cada uno me dejo algún mensaje ¿no creen que es muy bonito ser mujer? Sin duda somos magia en este mundo.

