Member Management Notes

Each 20 % beneficiary rewards of this post will go to @caracastdc and @thelunacysystem this time. For more see the latest post on Beneficiaries.

The whole story short

We had a comeback in Tier 1. From 13 frays we had 6 with win streaks and no loss. Was it worth it? I want to leave the choice of Tier up to you and your comments and ask @thelunacysystem to make the adjustment according to their own scale. I may continue to care about membership management and claiming privileges in the Fray distribution.

There are innovations in both areas. The experience of spontaneously returning to Tier 1 was uncomfortable. I even read words that I did not know the rules we had developed. But as it turned out for me, apparently there was actually lack of clarity about what it meant for me to claim a Fray. Now then, it has evolved to this point, has never been without controversy, and is now evolving:

I've added a column to our score table so that separate favorites can be noted for each tier. The idea was and is that any account can come back to a Fray within the first 24 hours, should the pressure on those available be too great. If you want to prevail against the favorite of another, you have to get higher in the score table to do so. If you claim against an account, that has not took advantage of their own favorite, your claim is valid. It is your favorite after all, not theirs. The score table is not meant for those at the top to follow their whims, but for those further down to see what might be left, and - I think it's very important to emphasize - also to exchange ideas on how to improve the distribution within the team or by delegating cards. If my deck holds not many Chaos Legion cards, it would be nice to have opened up a Fray for being my favorite that does not deploy Chaos Legion only. Yet nice means, I don't see room for peer pressure. If you have gained your privilege thanks to contributions, it should be your decision which Fray you prefer to play.

I think this is well exemplified below. I will still change my favorites depending on how those above me decide on favorites. Because it is nonsensical if there are two accounts above me in the table that are reliably brawling along, and I waste my favorite with it by choosing a Fray that is going to be occupied already. It is important to me that no one is surprised by the whims of others, and therefore I count as a favorite only those details that are proclaimed BEFORE the start of a particular brawl, and please continue to do so in the in-game guild chat, so that all can take note of changes.

I took some rather historic data for coming up with separate, select favorites for everyone for Tier 1 and Tier 2, e.g. here, here (Discord internal) and here. Please proclaim changes to your own favorites or directly edit the draft for the next Member Management notes, which will be published before the end of the next brawl. (A link there is below the table.)

Screenshot at 2022-06-05 18-23-20 brawl87 combat stage with newbie.png

The other issue is membership management. Many interested people come but remain silent. Asking a question in the chat yet being ignorant on the announcements in the ABOUT tab do not make a difference (like in the above screenshot), because you can not see the answer after being removed for ignoring all the things around here. So better visit with us via Discord or on-chain in the comments. @caracastdc did it just right and I am looking forward to their challenge finding a decent spot in a guild.

We will have an open spot. I've seen other guilds get dozens of requests a day because they are set to Membership Type "by request". However, I like the original idea by @unschoolingcoach to always have a free spot and thus also make the idea of #FHREE more visible (in a world of limited resources) instead of swimming along in the mass of other guilds. And on top of that, there's an incentive to actively contribute to the guild on a regular basis without us having to come up with a set amount.

I much prefer to work on quasi requests here and there every day (which can also be left undone if I don't feel like it or don't find the time). And that's why I love to stick to the original idea, even if the pressure on the open spot has increased noticeably in the meantime. And so more come and go than before. Also, because the waiting time has been shrunk from two days to two hours, to see if a freeloader tries to settle in or if there is actually interest - which must be larger than that of the second to last spot. And there still sits @amfrak. Congratulations on that!

Looking forward to our brawls and guild activities. LFG!

Screenshot at 2022-06-06 14-39-38 brawl87 guild info.png



  • If you are new to this
    • What we expect from any member, in a nutshell
  • Timetable
  • Internal Player Score Table
  • Link to addendum

If you are new to this

Become familiar with the member management, please. Because the guild spots are precious, the last in our list will be removed regularly. That is part of our procedure as noted in the addendum linked at the bottom. And if you don't acknowledge all this within the first 2 hours after you joined, you may be removed without notice right away. How can we know? Well, you'll see! And any questions are welcome anytime!

Please understand, it is not on me to show comprehension. I'll do the best I can! Though this guild is somewhat managed like a DAO. That is Decentral Autonomous Organisation. So I simply follow the procedures that have evolved here by now. And for when you become passive and no one can reach out to you in time, ugly things can happen. As documented in past notes. See e.g.

If you want to join and stay, we can make that happen even with presently no open spot available. We may schedule it for that you can be there the moment our weakest contributor is removed. Sounds familiar somehow? Like with a mob abandoning their weakest offspring to survive a predator attack. Your contribution needs to be enough for not being the weakest. Everyone who got removed is welcome any time again. It's just that contributions from earlier are at zero any time an account re-joines.

What we expect from any enduring member, in a nutshell:

Priority A: Some contribution within the last 2 brawls. Without at least 1 DEC even a quest scroll will make this, if the Lodge is not maxed out for the rest of a season.

Priority B: Be not the weakest contributor in our mob the moment an auction ends. This moment is when a new brawl starts.


06/07 07:00 AM CEST - top-up auction had already been canceled
06/06 09:39 PM CEST - @patrix28 removed
06/06 06:24 PM CEST - @patrix28 joined
06/06 05:57 PM CEST - @wheremyskill2la removed
06/06 02:43 PM CEST - @wheremyskill2la joined
06/06 02:39 PM CEST - @wheremyskill2la removed
06/06 02:38 AM CEST - top-up auction canceled, one account will be removed
06/05 07:13 PM CEST - @wheremyskill2la joined
06/05 0?:?? PM CEST - @rageomicron left
06/05 06:29 PM CEST - @rageomicron joined
06/05 06:23 PM CEST - @jeaslofs removed
06/05 01:56 PM CEST - @jeaslofs joined
06/05 01:08 PM CEST - @nft-is-dumb removed
06/05 03:40 AM CEST - @nft-is-dumb joined
06/04 10:04 PM CEST - @deathx removed
06/04 04:03 PM CEST - @deathx joined
06/04 02:52 PM CEST - @ikai28 removed
06/04 07:53 AM CEST - @ikai28 joined
06/04 05:29 AM CEST - @youravgwhiteman removed
06/04 02:23 AM CEST - @youravgwhiteman joined
06/03 ??:?? PM CEST - @caracastdc left
06/03 06:03 PM CEST - @caracastdc joined
06/03 05:54 PM CEST - @animeboy09 removed
06/03 02:15 PM CEST - @animeboy09 joined
06/03 12:45 PM CEST - @nekomamoshie removed
06/03 08:45 AM CEST - @nekomamoshie joined
06/02 09:58 PM CEST - @konstanti9 removed
06/02 12:07 PM CEST - @konstanti9 joined
06/02 11:40 AM CEST - @krazyarisu removed
06/02 09:04 AM CEST - @krazyarisu joined
06/02 08:14 AM CEST - @kapitoshka32 removed
06/02 06:06 AM CEST - @kapitoshka32 joined

Internal Player Score Table

Actively contributing accounts within the recent blawl and its position by score:

SpotAccountCalculated onScoreDECScrollsTimes brawledfavorite Tier 1f/T 2
21@ OPEN06/06/220000--

Passive accounts with no DEC or Scroll contribution within the recent blawl:
-- none

No one scheduled for removal.

For more recent notes an unofficial draft is at

For our recent Member Management Notes Addendum with general guidelines and procedures see


I set my favorites in the draft...


Thank you for that! Unfortunately you chose two favorites for Tier 1 so far, whereby I foresee that we will be at odds about it once we brawl back in Tier 1 if we don't manage to be clear with it before then.

Here's !PIZZA and let's try !invest_vote once, while I am not sure whether it accepts my request.
