Dailypetphotography: Strix 🦉🦉🦉

Hello my dear friends! I usually say that owls are not suitable for the role of a pet. But there are exceptions. Of course, I mean only those cases when the bird for some reason cannot be returned to the wild.
Unlike, for example, long-eared owls or little owls, which do not like people by default, this type of owl can get used to you and become quite pleasant company (if, of course, you are ready to hunt mice together at night😁 )
To be serious, the nocturnal lifestyle is what concerns human owls. Therefore, if you want such a friend, then be prepared for the fact that you can communicate mainly in the dark.
And, of course, an important aspect in keeping such birds is feeding. For normal digestion, they need small rodents and birds. Are you ready for frozen mice and day old chicks to live in your refrigerator? This is not the most pleasant moment. I always buy them already frozen... I couldn't feed them alive...
You should also be prepared for the fact that the walls of your room will be beautifully decorated ... with owl droppings ... Why am I talking about all this? Because many people are not ready for this. They just don't think... They take the bird and very soon start looking for a new home for it.
In this photo you see a typical reaction to danger. No matter how touching it looks, if you see such a reaction, the bird is afraid. This means that you need to immediately stop what scares it.



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That last photo reminds me of some dogs that are not really confident in humans trying to pet them. Sometimes, the first reaction would be to insist, but it's best to stop and gain their confidence slow. I had no idea this could be similar for owls.
