My ghostly story - Ladies of Hive community Contest #66


(This is my story partially true and partially fiction, a story that comes from a fun travelling trip to Ireland in 2006.)

My eyes fluttered open in the darkened bedroom. Where was I? A little fog of confusion filled my sleepy dream state mind until I realised I was in a beautifully furnished stately bedroom at Glin Castle near the town of Limerick in the Republic of Ireland.

Gazing around the darkened tastefully decorated room and heavy curtains I was feeling very cosy in a comfortable single bed, listening to the quiet rhythmic snoring of my sleeping my roomie. She is also my sister-in-law, a lady full of fun and kindness.

Had I really landed in Dublin airport a little over a week ago with my small group of travelling family buddies? So much has happened in such a short time, we have driven lots of kilometres, seen lots and done lots. I will remember with fondness walking in the woodland of Kilkenny, exploring the seaside towns of Dingle and Galway and eating dinner in the old pubs listening full of Irish singing and fiddles.

Now, I just want to imprint in my mind this bedroom scene and think of what had taken place in this lovely old gentry Castle. I liked the High Teas but was not too fussed on cucumber sandwiches, the walk around the inside of the walled garden checking out the thriving vegetables, herbs and flowers was extra special. But, most of all I loved dressing up, eating dinner and sipping wine around the old dining room table and talking of ghosts in Glin Castle.

Do ghosts really walk the corridors and rooms of Glin Castle?

No of course not I whispered in my mind, I don't believe in ghosts.

Suddenly in my bed as I lay very still I saw light and a slight movement near the chair in front of me. I blinked, my heart skipped a beat, it couldn't be! I laid very still focussing on the chair. Then I saw her, a youngish lady with golden ringlets dressed in blue, a dress fashionable in the 19th century I think. She looked to be in her early 20's.

I am actually seeing her, me a non-believer in ghosts. She emanated a ghostly presence of loneliness and sadness. It filled me with sadness. She is probably missing her family who obviously passed over a long time ago and here she is stuck on earth. What an awful position to be in.

Proving I was awake I pinched myself to be certain and yes I was not dreaming. But, as quickly as she appeared the young lady in blue disappeared.

The next thing I was waking up in the morning at the sound of my roomie singing in the shower. The memory of the sad lady in blue filled my mind, I know I definitely saw a ghost. I also wondered if there was a psychic who could help her cross over to the other side. I wish I knew!

I can't wait to share my story at breakfast. I now believe in ghosts.



Thank you for your work thinking of the questions and judging this week's community contest #66. Appreciate your effort and energy.

I invite the lovely @denissemata to think about joining #ladiesofhive. I think you would be a wonderful contributor.


Really appreciate the #alwaysaflower tag very nice bubbly @dswigle. I find flowers so very easily fit in with every theme of post I write.

Versatility, endurance, changeable and adaptation are the true nature of flowers as they are always malleable. I play with them over and over, creating so many different shades, forms and textures. They are indeed my muses of photography and verse.

<Every thought, word, sentence and photograph of white roses are my original work>


Love a good ghost story, Angie. I’m also a believer having seen one or two.


Ghosts are definitely real Jo, they really don't worry me but I do feel sorry for them.
I am sure you do have a few good stories that warrants a good chit chat over a coffee or two. 💗


Hmmm... which is true and which is fiction? hehehe 😁
It was a scary story!!!
Which is fiction in you story again?
Thanks for sharing. @angiemitchell,
and good luck with the contest!

“In one aspect, yes, I believe in ghosts, but we create them. We haunt ourselves.”
― Laurie Halse Anderson


What an intriguing quote, I am still thinking about it. I so agree though that we humans do intend to give ourselves a hard time.
It is a pleasure to write a short story in #ladiesofhive @silversaver888, it is giving me some much needed practice. 💜


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We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.


I love when effort is acknowledged, something I focussed on a lot in my educational psychology work in schools. Thank you for the token, it is appreciated.
