RE: Separation of Infrastructure and State

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Do you have a permit for that chickens? Are they all registered and regularly checked by a state approved vet? No? That will be a massive fine. You do? Ok. Sorry, we have to kill all your chickens because bird flu might otherwise kill some of them and even spread to other farms (where we will also kill all chickens before they get sick). In the meantime go buy some taxed eggs at the mall from chicken factory.


No, I don't. Neither does anyone else. How many they gonna catch? That's how hierarchies work. They tackle a couple and make big scary show trials. Then everyone else chickens out. But, it's not just chickens. It's every personally applicable decentralized means of production. If I'm making customized light switch plate covers, why would I be scared of a prosecution for illegal chickens?

Not buying eggs from the store ever again. Light switch plate covers either.


It is great that there are people who want to live freely even when it becomes harder every year. But I'm not optimistic, at least not for the short term. Tectonic plates of global situation are strained to the max and it can only end with a series of solid earthquakes. We've seen with Covid farce how fast people can turn against each other over bogus government narrative. It already happened and it is only getting worse. Kind and harmless, as stereotypical Canadian, Justin Trudeau, turned out to be a fascist dictator. In Australia, just two decades after banning guns, innocent people were "quarantined" and a man that sneezed inside elevator was portrayed like a mass murderer on TV. I don't know how it looked in other countries, but in Poland everything government did was downright illegal, and even if it wasn't, it still brought far more harm than good - no one will ever be held accountable. One crisis ended, now we have war in the Ukraine. And the same happens again. Whoever does not preach official propaganda to the letter is automatically called "Russian footwrap". Racial, ethnic, national divisions, old vs young, women vs men, workers vs entrepreneurs, left vs right - governments keep fostering those social fractures, because it is the only way they can maintain control. In the end everything will blow up and form new normal, but in the meantime dissidents are likely to find out that they are alone, and they are not going against some well defined evil in form of government thugs, but their families and neighbors.


In much of what you understand and say we are in agreement. I expect it to blow up. I believe this tension is deliberately being overpressured in order to blow it all up, because that is what you must do to build something new: destroy the old.

That is what the NWO intends. 15 minute prisons and CBDC UBI bugpods for the grateful survivors of the coming pogroms, that will be the result of people turning on each other over ideological differences.

But by the time the Line is taking applications for residents, clarity that is only availed by peering through blood will prevail. Men need women, and both the other. We are not enemies. The ethnic groups and races, political parties and religions, are neither enemies, but will all be utterly eradicated when the NWO GMOs us up into a slave race. Jews, Muslims, and Christians will all need each the others' strengths to survive that genocide. Vegans no less than carnivores will be forced to eat the bugs, and they too will prefer to stand shoulder to shoulder against oppression, AI totalitarian technocratic tyranny, for the freedom to be who they will be.

There will be war, but that will bring utter clarity to all the survivors that freedom, merit, and honorable truths alone can enable humanity to seize the prize we will see dangling at our fingertips by then: the universe, and everything in it.

It will not be easy. We will not enjoy it. The dissolute and decadent are the first to be denigrated by all, and they will quickly lose their allure, decapitating the deception of degeneracy, just as happened in Weimar Germany a century ago. That is the plan, to repeat successful operations, as we see oligarchs always do with episode I, II, III, and then the rest as they remain profitable. They will stand a fascist stooge, a neo Hitler, to seduce us into a regimented slavish society. Most of us aren't the fools we are portrayed to be, and most of us will not become the faithful.

But there is this new thing that has become available since the Beerhall Putsch, called decentralized means of production, that is the cutting edge of technological advance across every field of industry. As the supply lines are cut and the technocrats claim they are helpless to provide meat and potatoes, or safe streets, or electricity, or every blessing of civilization, it will be within the ability of all humanity to do what overlords do not, and feed themselves, secure their streets, and power their homes, themselves.

We may not see it now. Mostly we do not need to. Meat is expensive, but I can save less. Power is expensive, but I can be more frugal. Not until these things are completely unavailable to folks ready to pay whatever it costs will it become absolutely, crystalline clarity apparent that if our posterity is going to have the blessings of civilization, and not be GMO slaves of psychopathic petty gods, we are going to have to make them ourselves.

Then we won't see many karens. Without their throats cut. It will not be a struggle between ideologies anymore, between parties arguing over how many seats on the dais our favored idols take, but between death on one hand, and life on the other.

Then, we will win.

Edit: you mention the jabs. The jabs were not some final solution, that turned the jabbed all into GMO zombies. They were highly variable. 5% of the lots caused 100% of the deaths. They were myriad tests, not an implementation of a tested tech. They will have to try again, and that is why they are trying to create a global authority to jab everyone. That is the one that will fail, because we have learned now to not suffer coerced medical experimentation.

You mentioned Australia. You may remember Dan Andrews. He's holding drag parties for kids now. The ideologies of the oligarchs are interlinked. The Overton window has been rapidly moved to where a pretense of acceptance of all these things is portrayed by the enemedia. Too rapid. Too far. It is not acceptable, and never will be for most parents, to sexually mutilate and neuter their children. Most people have at least enough shreds of common sense to not do that to the children they love.

The reason that Overton window has been pushed too far too fast is desperation. The overlords aren't particularly stupid. Psychopaths, evil, yes, but not stupid. They understand that centralization is hopelessly burdened with overhead, and it cannot compete with honest production. AI is proving this today. FOSS AI that can run on a laptop can outperform Goolag or Microshaft's commercial products, running on massively multiparallel processing supercomputers.

FOSS AI doesn't need to have backdoors programmed in, surveillance of everyone using it programmed in, doesn't need all sorts of malevolent hacks built in that create false reports, or does it's users harm to keep them from benefiting enough from it to compete with big tech companies. It's horrifically compromised with overhead overlords absolutely need it to have, just like every other industry, government, and money itself. Centralization cannot compete with decentralization. Full stop.

We are going to win. We will be free. Our posterity will inherit the stars of the heavens where they will create inconceivable prosperity in absolute freedom where no overlord can project force with an army. In March the first 3D printed spaceship launched off Earth. It will not be the last. The future is just beginning, and, like all beginnings, all human beginnings, begins in blood.

Later comes the milk and honey.
