Todo lo que vas a hacer diferente a tu madre || [ESP – ENG ]



Holaaa, mi querida comunidad de @motherhood en #Hive les saludo y espero que todos esten bien

Hellooo, my dear @motherhood community at #Hive I greet you and hope you are all well

Mi madre ha sido una mujer que dejo de ser ella como mujer, para sencillamente convertirse en madre, a ella agradezco diariamente por hacerme la mujer que hoy soy, fueron tantos los sacrificios a los cuales fue sometida para sacarme adelante. Existen DOS cosas que yo estoy haciendo diferente sin embargo eso ha ella no la hace menos o mala madre:

My mother has been a woman who stopped being herself as a woman, to simply become a mother, I thank her daily for making me the woman I am today, there were so many sacrifices to which she was subjected to get me ahead. There are TWO things that I am doing differently but that does not make her less or a bad mother:


Mi mamá no ha sido una mujer que tenga muchas demostraciones de cariño hacia mi persona, se le hace muy dificil abrazar, mucho mas expresar una palabra de amor un TE AMO, cosa que ha contra-arrestado la llegada de CAMILO con el ha sido distinto, es mas cariñosa si la he escuchado diciendo que lo AMA debe ser que la distancia ha aflorado ese sentimiento de decirlo.

Se quien soy y quien es ella con sus virtudes y con sus defectos, pero quiero que mi hijo si crezca y sienta esas muestras de amor, la maternidad ha cambiado mi vision de vida en este tiempo, ser madre me ha hecho mas tenaz, me demuestra lo valiente que somos, y me ha enseñado el valor que tiene un abrazo y un TE AMO en el tiempo.


My mom has not been a woman who has not had many demonstrations of affection towards me, it is very difficult for her to hug, much more to express a word of love, an I LOVE YOU, something that has counteracted the arrival of CAMILO with him has been different, she is more affectionate if I have heard her saying that she LOVES him, it must be that the distance has brought out that feeling of saying it.

I know who I am and who she is with her virtues and her defects, but I want my son to grow up and feel those signs of love, motherhood has changed my vision of life in this time, being a mother has made me more tenacious, it shows me how brave we are, and has taught me the value of a hug and an I LOVE YOU in time.



Mi mamá en su afan de entrega como madre se olvido completamente de ella, solo se convirtio en trabajo y mas trabajo, pues para que nada me faltara ella lo tuvo que hacer, ahora que estoy hecha mujer me siento en oportunidades mal por esto, porque el tiempo transcurrio yo he volado formado mi hogar y ella quedo a distancia con mis abuelos, trato de dar lo mejor de mi a diario se que no es suficiente para redimir toda su entrega.

Me gustaria tener mas mucho mas para que ella ya no trabajara o para que su carga no fuese tan pesada, pero bueno entiendo que estos son los tiempos que nos tocaron vivir, ser MADRE soltera no es facil. Por eso valoro todo los dias la oportunidad que dios me ha dado de poder consolidar mi hogar criando a Camilo junto a su padre. La carga es mas facil porque las responsabilidades se comparten.


My mother in her eagerness to give herself as a mother completely forgot about her, she only became work and more work, because she had to do it so that I would not miss anything, now that I am a woman I feel bad about this, because time has passed and I have flown home and she is at a distance with my grandparents, I try to give the best of me every day, I know that it is not enough to redeem all her dedication.

I would like to have much more so that she would no longer work or so that her burden would not be so heavy, but I understand that these are the times we live in, being a single mother is not easy. That is why I value every day the opportunity that God has given me to be able to consolidate my home raising Camilo with his father. The burden is easier because the responsibilities are shared.


Ahora que soy mamá he entendido los malabares que mi madre ha tenido que hacer para criarme, que tuvo que compaginar su trabajo y su rol de madre para hacerme lo que hoy en dia soy y se lo agradezco, no la juzgo solo la entiendo y aprendo para dar de mi lo mejor como mamita sin olvidarme que tambien soy una mujer de carne y hueso que no solo tuvo en su vientre una vida sino que ahora es responsable de esa vida y de la propia.

Now that I am a mom I have understood the juggling that my mother had to do to raise me, that she had to combine her work and her role as a mother to make me what I am today and I thank her for it, I do not judge her, I just understand her and I learn to give the best of myself as a mommy without forgetting that I am also a woman of flesh and blood that not only had a life in her womb but that now she is responsible for that life and for her own.


Sigo compartiendo mis experiencias como mamá a través de su canal, gracias siempre por el apoyo incondicional, @Motherhood una comunidad abierta para todos los papitos, sigamos construyendo, creando y creciendo.

I keep sharing my experiences as a mom through your channel, thank you always for the unconditional support, @Motherhood an open community for all daddies, let's keep building, creating and growing.


- Todas las imágenes se reserva el derecho del autor, son de mi propiedad.

- All images are copyright reserved, they are my property.

