An Old Live Performance Music Video


Hello, and welcome to my page!

In the past, I've been reluctant to post any older pictures or videos from my past, because I felt uncomfortable about showing my past life to my followers. I guess most of you have seen enough of my recent pictures to figure out what my story is. It's hard to talk about my past in public without outing myself, but so be it.

This is a video that was recorded of the band that I was in back in the mid 1980s called "The Intruderz" This video was not recorded by me, but I'm the central figure in the video. In this video, I'm singing the song and playing bass guitar. This was back when I still had all my hair, and all my teeth...😀

This was always one of my favorite songs to play with the band.
This is a cover of the song "Stealin" by Uriah Heep. The video starts after the start of the song...

The guitar player that you see beyond me is Pete Fontana. The other guitar player, lead player, and harmony singer for this song is my old friend Fred Bergeron. My brother Jim was playing the drums.

I hope you enjoy this vintage performance of a band that I enjoyed being in! There are a lot of our other performances on Fred's youtube channel, some really good, some not so much, but that's the way it goes for a bar band.

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That was a perfect performance man, full of power and passion in music, Thanks for sharing this video with us! \mm/
