Control your emotions and thoughts.

Many of us find it hard to control out emotions and thoughts,it seems like we let our thoughts control us to make us do things which we don't want to do.

Controlling your emotions and thoughts might be hard but it's sure good if we can control both of them.

There are few key points which might help us to be able to control out emotions and thoughts,they are as follows;

1.Take a look at what your emotions caused to you.
To be able to control our emotions we need to think of what bad our emotions has done to us, ranging from changing of our moods and getting us nervous,it sure hard to do this but rethinking back to what your emotions did to you the last time would make you able to control them.

2.Take some deep breath.
Whenever we are having any bad thoughts or emotions let's try to take some breath and relax so the emotions won't ruin our mood,this is one of the best thing to do.

3.Stay away from people a bit.
If we are having any bad thoughts or emotions,I can suggest we should stay away from people so we won't ruin their mood or get them nervous,our emotions can be controlled through this way when we stay away from people for a while till we get control over our emotions.

4.know the right time to express your emotions.
Humans have some problem with dealing with emotions at the wrong time,our emotions can control us to do things which we can't even think off, let's just know the right time to express our feelings so we wouldn't fall into any fight.

5.Reframe your thoughts.
Whenever we are thinking of any bad thoughts we should try to reframe it and don't let that thought take over us.

6.Don't give room for any negative thought.
Finally we shouldn't try to give room for any negative thought in our minds but learn to control our emotions and thoughts in the good way.

I know some of you might ask if emotions can be controlled??

If i am to answer this question it might look a little bit hard to answer since we have different views,but on my end,I must say we can control our emotions and thoughts and reframe it to be good.

Thanks for reading,feel free to comment below and share your thoughts.


Image source:created using canva
