My Actifit Report Card: May 3 2022


Back to work after the bank holiday today but I didnt go for my normal Tuesday run between work shifts as I have a 5km race tomorrow evening.

Instead I spent the day doing some DIY. I've needed to replace the mat well by our front door ever since we had new doors fitted over a year ago now. I'm not showing any pictures of it until it finished so todays cover picture is one I took a couple of days ago.

This evening I did get out for a short walk as I had to deliver a birthday card to a friend.

Thanks for reading and I'll be back tomorrow.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Walking


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

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Sports Hat - L3
+ 15 % AFIT
Water Bottle - L1
+ 5 AFIT
Water Bottle - L2
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L1
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L2
+ 15 AFIT
Water Bottle - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L4
+ 25 AFIT
Water Bottle - L4
+ 35 AFIT
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