Kaltenzahn | The Dragon Of Frost | Dragon Fight | The Breeding Grounds Of Emprise du Lion


Hello gamers of hive, hope you are doing good!!

Last Time

I started to slay dragons, and visited the places where I had to retreat from because of the dragons. The first was the High Abyssal Dragon, the second to fall was the dragon by the island from Storm Coast. The third was at Crestwood. The fourth was at the breeding ground of Emprise du Lion. It was the Hivernal dragon and there was an occularum nearby through which I spotted some shards laid through the map.

First Dragon Fight at the Western Approach
Second And Third Dragon fight at an island near Storm Coast and at Crestwood, respectively. Vinsomer and Northern Hunter are the names of the dragon, respectively.
Fourth Dragon Fight at Emprise du Lion. There are a total of 3 dragons present here and the first one I took out is the Hivernal dragon.

This Time

The fifth dragon was at the same breeding grounds of Emprise du Lion.
It’s name is Kaltenzahn.


At first, to teach the place I had to cross this immensely high and relatively long bridge.

I wandered at bit, trying to find the shards and collect resources while I was reaching the breeding grounds of the second dragon, Kaltenzahn.


This fight was a long one too, it also summoned it’s dragonlings and made screeches that stunned every member of the party.


The second phase of the attack. The dragon took off moments before I could finish him off, flying round and round the arena while I had to round up my comrades and use the ring of barrier.

The dragon came down and the final blow was delivered. Many of the loot was critical for my next upgrades, the dragon scales and dragon webbing.

I finally reached the place where the last shard from the occularum had pointed to, it was near the arena of Kaltenzahn.

Only the final dragon here remained and that was the Highland Ravager.

(All screenshots were taken from my own gameplay and this it belongs to me)

Enjoy the gameplay!!
