[ESP-ENG] Mi Historia Como Mamá (El Nacimiento de Juanma Segunda Parte.)



Feliz noche, mi gente hermosa de la #motherhood, cómo lo son las mamis y papis emprendedores que conforman esta bella comunidad.

Happy evening, my beautiful people of #motherhood, how are the enterprising mommies and daddies that make up this beautiful community.

Continuando con más de mi historia como mamá durante estos 16 años.

Continuing with more of my story as a mom during these 16 years.

Bueno anteriormente quedé en el nacimiento de mi pequeño Juanma, en el momento que la enfermera me lo mostró no salía de mi asombro al ver lo idéntico que era a su hermano mayor José Manuel en el momento de nacer, eran como dos gotas de agua, Cuando las palabras salieron de mi emoción lo primero que dije fue es igualito a su hermano, Le dije bienvenido a este mundo mi Juanma, te estabamos esperando ansiosamente y le di la bendición, de ahí lo llevaron a limpiar, medir, pesar y fue examinado por el pediatra y lo encontró sano gracias a Dios, y lo llevaron a la habitación.


Well, previously I was at the birth of my little Juanma, at the moment the nurse showed it to me, I did not leave my amazement to see how identical he was to his older brother José Manuel at the time of birth, they were like two drops of water, When the words came out of my emotion, the first thing I said was just like his brother, I said welcome to this world my Juanma, we were anxiously waiting for you and I gave him the blessing, from there they took him to clean, measure, weigh and he was examined by the pediatrician and found him healthy thank goodness, and they took him to the room.

Porque a mí aún me faltaba mucho, ya que con esta cesárea decidí cortarme las trompas de Falopio porque era mi tercer embarazo y mi médico me lo recomendó por mi salud ya que tuve mis tres hijos por cesárea.

Because I still had a long way to go, since with this cesarean I decided to cut my fallopian tubes because it was my third pregnancy and my doctor recommended it for my health since I had my three children by cesarean.

En medio del corte y cauterización de mis trompas de Falopio la anestesia estaba desapareciendo y comencé a sentir dolor, debido a esto me durmieron por completo ya que solo me habían colocado la epidural, lo último que recuerdo es que el doctor me mostró las trompas cuando las cortó y después de eso me desperté en la habitación, rodeada de mis seres queridos y de mi pequeño Juanma que ya me esperaba allí.


In the middle of the cutting and cauterization of my fallopian tubes, the anesthesia was disappearing and I began to feel pain, so they put me to sleep completely since they had only placed the epidural, the last I remember is that the doctor showed me tubes Fallopian when he cut them and after that I woke up in the room, surrounded by my loved ones and my little Juanma who was already waiting for me there.

Yo había conservado varias ropitas de mi Joshe que también usaria Juanma y por casualidades de la vida le pusieron la misma ropa que llevaba José Manuel en el momento de nacer, y la familia que estaba fuera de la ciudad y del país pidió que le pasaran fotos del nuevo bebé y cuando se las pasaron dijeron que estaban equivocados pasaron fotos de José recién nacido queremos el nuevo bebé y cuando les dijeron que ese era el nuevo bebé no se lo podían creer, decían que era su clon, que eran iguales, su parecido era increíble y todavía hay gente que cuando ve las fotos de recién nacido no los distingue y se equivoca al identificarlos jajaja.


I had kept several clothes of my Joshe that Juanma would also wear and by chance in life they put him the same clothes that José Manuel was wearing when he was born, and the family that was out of the city and the country asked to be given photos of the new baby and when they were handed them they said they were wrong they passed photos of the newborn José we want the new baby and when they were told that this was the new baby they could not believe it, they said it was his clone, that they were the same, their resemblance It was incredible and there are still people who when they see the newborn photos do not distinguish them and make a mistake when identifying them hahaha.


Y les digo que ahora no se parecen para nada pero eso será después que les mostraré.

And I tell you that now they are not alike at all but that will be later that I will show you.

Luego continuaré con más de mi historia como mamá durante estos 16 años.

Then I will continue with more of my story as a mom during these 16 years.

Gracias por visitar mi blog, nos vemos en mi siguiente post. @alfrednoyed

Thanks for visiting my blog, see you in my next post. @alfrednoyed
