End of the second phase of school



Hola gente, hace mucho tiempo que no publicaba algún post de este estilo, pero ayer fue un dia muy bonito el cual me trajo muchas alegrías, mi hijo recién comenzó el kínder en octubre del año pasado, fue una etapa de adaptación bastante difícil para nosotros, tenemos mucho miedo de que algo le pase somos un poco paranoicos y sobre protectores, mi hijo no lloro en su primer día, estuvo bastante tranquilo y eso me impresiono y me lleno de alivio en cierta parte, aunque hemos tenido algunos problemas ya sea de peleas entre niños pero nada grave hasta ahora, la verdad es que esta nueva etapa me cuesta asimilarla aun porque ya mi pequeño está creciendo y aprendiendo cada vez más. Estos últimos días la he pasado bastante mal porque mi madre enfermó y estuve bastante preocupada y ayudándola con lo que pude, ya esta mejorando poco a poco y ayer tuve que ir al colegio con toda la preocupación que tenia encima para buscar el boletín escolar de mi hijo, o al menos eso era lo que yo creía hasta que llegué. Resulta que mi esposo llevo a mi hijo en la mañana a la escuela y la maestra le pidió que al ir a la reunión de entrega de boletines yo llevara ropa para que el niño se cambiara, no entendí muy bien el motivo, pero lo hice sin saber la sorpresa que venía.

Hello people, it's been a long time since I published a post of this style, but yesterday was a very nice day which brought me a lot of joy, my son just started kindergarten in October last year, it was a very difficult adaptation stage for us, we are very afraid that something will happen to him, we are a little paranoid and over protective, My son did not cry on his first day, he was quite calm and that impressed me and filled me with relief to some extent, although we have had some problems either fights between children but nothing serious so far, the truth is that this new stage is still hard for me to assimilate because my little boy is growing and learning more and more.
These last few days I have had a hard time because my mother got sick and I was quite worried and helping her with what I could, she is getting better little by little and yesterday I had to go to school with all the worry I had on top to get my son's school report card, or at least that's what I thought until I got there.
It turns out that my husband took my son to school in the morning and the teacher asked him to bring some clothes for him to change into when i went to the report card meeting, I didn't understand why, but I did it without knowing the surprise that was coming.


Llegue a las 10 am muy confundida pues habían muchos padres afuera sentados en sillas y mucha decoración en el patio del colegio además de música, nunca me informaron sobre esta actividad yo solo creía que iría a buscar el boletín y me regresaría a casa con mi hijo jaja, cuando vi a la maestra me pregunto si había traído la ropa y me dejo pasar para cambiar a mi hijo en el baño, me entere de que el iba a participar en una especie de baile con los demás compañeros del salón, pensé que bailaría pero en realidad su aparición fue muy corta, pero muy valiosa, Damián es un niño bastante tímido y que le cuesta seguir instrucciones a la perfeccion, ese pequeño momento en el que salió a “revivir” a uno de sus compañeros disfrazado de pájaro fue glorioso, estaba muy feliz de verlo, haciendo las cosas con menos vergüenza de lo normal jajaja.

I arrived at 10 am very confused because there were many parents outside sitting in chairs and a lot of decoration in the school yard besides music, I was never informed about this activity I just thought I would go to get the school and go home with my son lol, when I saw the teacher she asked me if I had brought clothes and let me pass to change my son in the bathroom, I found out that he was going to participate in a kind of dance with the other classmates, I thought he would dance but in reality his appearance was very short, but very valuable, Damian is a very shy child and it is difficult for him to follow instructions perfectly, that little moment when he went out to "revive" one of his classmates dressed as a bird was glorious, I was very happy to see him, doing things with less embarrassment than normal hahaha.



Incluso la maestra y la directora felicitaron a mi hijo y me dijeron que debía darle un premio por haber entrado en escena así, eso me hace pensar que Damián es incluso mas tímido de lo que puedo ver en la calle, en casa es un niño totalmente diferente, grita, salta, vive lleno de alegría y es sumamente amoroso, me sentí bastante orgullosa de que le hayan dicho que hizo un buen trabajo, algo pequeño que hizo una gran diferencia, la maestra también me dijo que ha mejorado muchísimo en su escritura y eso lo hemos notado en casa ya que ya puede hacer las tareas solo.

Even the teacher and the principal congratulated my son and told me that I should give him a prize for having entered the scene like that, that makes me think that Damian is even more shy than what I can see in the street, at home he is a totally different child, he screams, jumps, lives full of joy and is extremely loving, I felt quite proud that they told him that he did a good job, something small that made a big difference, the teacher also told me that he has improved a lot in his writing and we have noticed that at home since he can already do his homework by himself.


La actividad estuvo muy entretenida, la temática de esta fiesta era sobre postres Venezolanos y debo ser sincera, odio la mayoría de esos postres, solo probe los únicos 3 que me gustan y al parecer a mi hijo tampoco le gustaron pues solo comió lo mismo que yo jaja, había música típica de Venezuela y decoraron varias mesas donde colocarían algunos afiches informativos sobre cada postre, hubo una actividad para los padres que era jugar Bingo, el bingo es uno de esos gustos culposos que tengo, pero hace mucho tiempo que no lo jugaba, quede con ganas de mas jajaja.

The activity was very entertaining, the theme of this party was about Venezuelan desserts and I must be honest, I hate most of those desserts, I only tasted 3 that I like and apparently my son didn't like them either because he only ate the same as me haha, there was typical Venezuelan music and they decorated several tables where they placed some informative posters about each dessert, there was an activity for the parents which was to play Bingo, bingo is one of those guilty tastes I have, but it's been a long time since I played it, I was left wanting more hahaha.



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Algo que no entiendo es como todos sabían de esto menos yo, incluso habiendo un grupo de WhatsApp de la escuela nunca supe sobre esta actividad y al ver a las niñas y niños con sus trajes típicos de Venezuela entendí que fui la única que no tenia ni idea jajaja, pero bueno lo importante es que pude asistir y no perderme de este momento único, mi hijo estaba muy contento de verme allí a penas me vio se me lanzo encima y me abrazo, ser madre es una felicidad grande aunque tiene sus momentos amargos, pero al final del dia siempre tenemos a esa pequeña personita que nos recuerda que los problemas a veces no son tan graves como nuestra mente nos hace pensar.

Something I do not understand is how everyone knew about this except me, even having a WhatsApp group at school I never knew about this activity and seeing the girls and boys with their typical costumes of Venezuela I understood that I was the only one who had no idea hahaha, but well the important thing is that I was able to attend and not miss this unique moment, My son was very happy to see me there, as soon as he saw me he jumped on me and hugged me, being a mother is a great happiness although it has its bitter moments, but at the end of the day we always have that little person that reminds us that sometimes the problems are not as serious as our mind makes us think.






Ya solo quedan 3 meses para terminar la tercera y ultima etapa de aprendizaje de mi hijo, ha sido muy difícil pues nadie nos enseña a como enseñar, además que quiero cambiar la dinámica y la manera en la que yo aprendí, pues en mis tiempos todo era un poco mas rudo, mas amenazante y no quiero eso para mi hijo, quiero que el aprenda en una atmosfera que se sienta seguro y sin presiones.

There are only 3 months left to finish the third and last stage of my son's learning, it has been very difficult because nobody teaches us how to teach, besides that I want to change the dynamics and the way in which I learned, because in my time everything was a little ruder, more threatening and I don't want that for my son, I want him to learn in an atmosphere where he feels safe and without pressure.


Aside from your superb art, this is a nice blog about knowing you more,Alexa. Yeah, the first days of school are really nerve-wracking, but I'm glad that it turned out fine. It seems that Venezuelan culture is fun and colorful! Hard to find Venezuelan cuisine here where I live, but might just make one at home, right? :D

Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life. Your son is uber cute! 😇


Aww Thank you very much, yes, really the culture of my country is quite colorful and of course you can make it at home, you would have to look for a tutorial maybe on Youtube most of them are with simple ingredients to get ☺


Todo se ve lindo, y tu niño se ve que la paso muy bien divirtiéndose con sus compañeros en este cierre de proyecto.

Por lo general estas actividades tienen una preparación metódica, ¡que loco que no supiste de esto! 😝

Son momentos únicos y enriquecedores que vivimos con nuestros pequeños y nos llenan de nostalgia de ver a nuestros no tan niños crecer, aprender y a "independizarse"


Me parece que me dejaron por fuera jajajaa pero al menos me recibieron de buena manera 🤣

Si, estos momentos son unicos y especiales, me da mucha nostalgia aun cuando recuerdo lo pequeñito que era y lo grande que esta ahora, muchas gracias por comentar 🥰


First of all, I'm so glad you attended the program, you could have missed out on this great day, and your son also would not have his lovely mom around to celebrate this day with him. I also wonder why you didn't get the info quite early 🤔 but, in all, thank God you were around.

From the gifs, the presentation looks quite fun and enjoyable, and I'm sure you all enjoyed it: both you and your son, as well as other parents. 🥰

By the way, have you voted for your #Motherhood Author of the Week yet? 😁 If you haven't, you can jump on Threads and do so: alpha.leofinance.io. You can also share your #motherhood experiences as well as your #art work.

One additional, important, interesting and fun information about Threads is that by April 17th, threads is expected to be in full swing, and there will be an Adoption campaign where everyone is invited to join the race for 10k USD Prize Pool. It'll be a gamified and fun filled task, where you'll perform some quests and build your XP. I hope you join in the race. You can click here to join in, and if you have further questions, I'll be here to answer all.


Hey! thank you so much, I'm still confused as to why I didn't know about this event but as you say, thank god I didn't miss it! it was a very nice moment.

On the other hand I thank you for the invitation I've heard about the leofinance threads but I always forget to check, I really don't even know how it works, I'll take a look soon!


It's just like an upgraded form of twitter.
Now is a great time to get started on threads before the big 10K contest starts off in April. Who wouldn't like to win that.


Aww! The picture of you both together, you look so happy. 🥹 It's great to see an update on your son's school progress. As I recall you were feeling nervous, but excited when he was accepted last year. You have a beautiful family!
Have a great week ahead 🧡


Thank you so much @emanate-artworx it makes me very happy to see him in a different environment, I hope that everything continues very well as it has been, thank you very much for taking the time to read this nice experience. 🥰
