(Esp-Eng) un breve desahogo de una mamá/ A brief vent from a mom



Hola comunidad de #Hive y de @motherhood, hoy toca un post de desahogo, les cuento que he estado sumamente agitada, ya que mi niña está enferma y al parecer es dengue hemorrágico.

Todo comenzó con una fiebre alta y que apareció de repente y veía a mi hija demasiado tranquila para lo que ella es además con unos ojitos llorosos todo el tiempo.


Su temperamento se convirtió de alegre y juguetona a solo llanto y a no querer nada con nadie por más cariños que se le hiciera. Solo quería estar en brazos de papá y mamá.

Luego la fiebre desapareció y comenzaron a inflamarse las encías al punto que casi los dientes no se veían y en las noches comenzaron a sangrar pero no eran gotas, era mucha sangre que salían de las encías.


Al principio creíamos que era una gingivitis, pero su odontóloga lo descartó, y luego la llevamos a la pediatra y ella luego de varias preguntas nos dice que posiblemente era un dengue y nos mandó a realizarle varios exámenes. Aún esperamos los resultados para confirmar o descartar. Ha sido una jornada bastante fuerte, donde las ganas de dormir y descansar a veces vencen pero rápidamente nos ponemos en pie nuevamente.

Para terminar, quiero decirles que estoy agradecida a Dios por acompañarme y nunca dejarnos, mi familia nos ha apoyado mucho y bueno esperando a que toda esta tormenta pase.

Una vez más muchas gracias por leerme hasta un próximo post.


Hello #Hive and @motherhood community, today is a venting post, I tell you that I have been extremely agitated, since my little girl is sick and apparently it is dengue hemorrhagic fever.

It all started with a high fever that appeared suddenly and I saw my daughter too calm for what she is and with teary eyes all the time.


Her temperament turned from cheerful and playful to just crying and not wanting anything to do with anyone no matter how much affection she was given. She just wanted to be in mommy and daddy's arms.

Then the fever disappeared and her gums began to swell to the point that her teeth were almost invisible and at night they began to bleed, but they were not drops, it was a lot of blood coming out of her gums.

At first we thought it was gingivitis, but her dentist ruled it out, and then we took her to the pediatrician and after several questions she told us that it was possibly dengue and sent us to perform several tests. We are still waiting for the results to confirm or rule out. It has been quite a hard day, where the desire to sleep and rest sometimes overcomes us, but we quickly get up again.

To finish, I want to tell you that I am grateful to God for being with me and for never leaving us, my family has been very supportive and we are waiting for this storm to pass.

Once again thank you very much for reading me until the next post.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
