Alcancé el rango mas alto de Call Of Duty Mobile: LEGENDARIO | Reach the highest range in Call Of Duty Mobile: LEGENDARY



Tengo aproximadamente unos 11 meses desde que empece a jugar el Call Of Duty Mobile. Empece jugando a 2 dedos, luego poco a poco fui experimentando un poco mas de mobilidad jugando a 3 dedos, hasta que finalmente pude usar los 4 dedos, algo muy incomodo al principio ya que ni siquiera podía sostener el teléfono y mantener el equilibrio, pero ya luego me fui acostumbrando y ahora no puedo jugar de otra forma que no sea con los 4 dedos.

Esta ha sido la peor partida que he jugado, estaba muy frío y siempre que enciendo la cámara me pongo muy nervioso y el pulso se me congela. Pero porfin pude alcanzar el máximo rango de "LEGENDARIO", algo que realmente veía sumamente imposible por el nivel de jugadores que siempre te encuentras en las partidas de ranked. Pero las ultimas partidas en los últimos rangos de Gran Maestro estuvieron muy fá estuvieron emparejando con jugadores de mi mismo nivel, es decir, jugadores que saben jugar pero que no tienen un alto nivel de dominio en el juego, y de esta manera puedes tanto recibir bajas como dar kills a la par y es bastante divertido. A diferencia de jugar contra proplayers que no te dejan ni respirar ni asomarte y eso realmente es muy molesto...Y digo "Proplayers" por no decir "Hackers", ya que este juego esta invadido por muchos hackers que siempre hacen de las suyas y es notorio.

Y ya sin mas que agregar aquí les comparto mi pequeña felicidad. Quisiera compartir esto con el amigo @riz611 quien creo que es el único creador de contenido o uno de los pocos que siempre me apoya aquí con un voto en mis gameplays...Este bro juega siempre al Call Of Duty Warzone y es realmente un proplayer y hace contenido de muy buena calidad, recomiendo que visiten su blog. Por supuesto también quiero compartirlo con el equipo de @cervantes quienes siempre me han dado soporte en este tipo de contenido...Agradecido infinitamente.

Para mi siempre es un placer compartir contenido en esta gran comunidad llena de tantos usuarios creativos y talentosos. Me despido deseandoles un hermoso fin de semana y deseandoles siempre las mejores bendiciones y mucha salud. Abrazo virtual.

Go Go Go!!!

I have approximately 11 months since I started playing Call Of Duty Mobile. I started playing with 2 fingers, then little by little I was experiencing a little more mobility playing with 3 fingers, until finally I was able to use all 4 fingers, something very uncomfortable at first since he couldn't even hold the phone and keep his balance, but Then I got used to it and now I can't play any other way than with 4 fingers.

This has been the worst game I've ever played, it was very cold and whenever I turn on the camera I get very nervous and my pulse freezes. But I was finally able to reach the maximum rank of "LEGENDARY", something that was really impossible due to the level of players that you always find in ranking games. But the last games in the last Grandmaster ranks were very easy...I was matched with players of my same level, that is, players who know how to play but who do not have a high level of mastery in the game, and in this way you can take kills like kills on par and it's pretty fun. Unlike playing against proplayers that don't let you breathe or peek and that's really very annoying... And I say "Proplayers" not to say "Hackers", since this game is invaded by many hackers who always do their thing and it is noticeable.

And without further ado, here I share my little happiness. I would like to share this with my friend @riz611 who I think is the only content creator or one of the few who always supports me here with a vote in my gameplays...This bro always plays Call Of Duty Warzone and he is really a proplayer and has very good quality content, I recommend you visit his blog. Of course I also want to share it with the @cervantes team who have always given me support in this type of content...Infinitely grateful.

For me it is always a pleasure to share content in this great community full of so many creative and talented users. I say goodbye wishing you a beautiful weekend and always wishing you the best blessings and good health. Virtual hug.

Go Go Go!!!

GRACIAS por visitar | THANKS for visit



I also play TFT and today I finally managed to become a master. I know how challenging these things are. It's good for you to get used to playing with 4 fingers. As far as I know, everyone who plays well plays 4 fingers.


Hey man, thank you so much for your kind words, much love. ♥️

Keep up the grind bro, still a long way to go. The game has just begun.

GG 🍻☮️
