[ESP-ENG] The magic valley , part 2 // El valle mágico , parte 2

Authored by @Aleh

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Hola como estan! , bienvenidos a los que son nuevos leyendo mis post, este será otro " Modo Aleh ", sobre mis experiencias creando historias.

Espero disfruten este nuevo post historia de ficción.


VALLE MAGICO ( 2 parte )

Theo , siguió con la intriga de saber que había mas allá de los secretos del castillo y cual era su destino . El padre Jacob , lo cuido de niño de las calles y el maltrato por ser huérfano , cuando envejeció y se retiro , hablaba muy poco y nunca le conto la historia del pueblo , ni como se formo los rumores del reino , siempre le dijo que era mejor vivir ignorando . Pero el sentía que lo sabría de alguna forma y que el día oscuro volvería a suceder y el estaría listo . El rey salomón , inquieto , resguardo el castillo , sentía que algo extraño estaba por pasar , y no era el único su reina , solo miraba por las ventanas en la noche , con un silencio atormentador , que hacia perder la vista hacia el valle .

Pero no eran los únicos en el pueblo , en el valle , todos estaban diferentes , alertas a que el portal seguirá fuerte como siempre , con guardias para cubrir el valle , su hogar . La bruja , el mago y el hechicero , se reunieron a las 12 , para discutir a continuación lo que pasaría . Ellos sabían que no podrían contener mas su mundo y los humanos los encontrarían , ya no tenían mas fuerzas para combatir , la no usar su magia por años , esta se agoto , han fingido para tener el equilibro de todos los seres mágicos , ellos también han perdido la magia . Theo tenia visiones , y podía recordar cosas , pero su pasado era confuso , pero siempre soñaba con un caballo , el pensaba que era porque dormía en establos de niño . Pero justo el viernes a la noche , un poco mas de las 12:30 am , de la madrugada , el cielo empezó a tronar había silencio , frio y una energía diferente en la brisa .

En el valle , todos estaban despiertos al portal que se abría , la reina despertó , sintiendo como si su cuerpo ardía , y Theo sintió un ruido , que lo estremeció , todos fueron impulsados a salir , en medio de la madrugada , cuando la luz de la luna los alumbro en el mismo sendero , solo se observaron en silencio , la reina era una bruja blanca y su hermana era la negra , ambas separaban los reinos , era la única capaz de cerrar el portal , por eso su piel ardía , su mágica explotaba en ella , la hacia brotar sus venas y deformar su cara , su lugar era el poder y lo rechazo toda su vida , no quiso reconocer su naturaleza , y Theo era parte de su sangre , su hijo , el destino era que ambos gobernaran ambos mundos , por eso recordaba caballos , su unicornio lo dejo en las puertas de la iglesia , por eso la reina enfermo , el rey tuvo que ocultar quien era , jamás podrían tener hijos normales , por lo tanto , Tera el rey de todo el reino , su poder era el mas temido , el poseía , un don superior , de ver el pasado y ver tu alma con tan solo una mirada .

Toda su vida fue , de estar oculto , un hechizo que tuvo que llevar , teniendo una vida miserable , pero que lo mantuviera vivo , al tener 17 años , las profecía debían ser cumplidas y el debía reemplazar , tomar el control y juntar la magia y la realidad en una .


Hello, how are you? welcome to those of you who are new to reading my posts, this will be another "Aleh Mode", about my experiences creating stories.

I hope you enjoy this new post fiction story.


MAGIC VALLEY ( part 2 )

Theo, continued with the intrigue to know what was beyond the secrets of the castle and what was his destiny. The father Jacob , took care of him as a child from the streets and mistreatment for being an orphan , when he grew old and retired , spoke very little and never told him the history of the people , or how the rumors of the kingdom was formed , always told him it was better to live in ignorance . But he felt that he would know somehow and that the dark day would come again and he would be ready. King Solomon , uneasy , guarded the castle , he felt that something strange was about to happen , and he was not the only one his queen , just looked out of the windows at night , with a haunting silence , that lost sight of the valley .

But they were not the only ones in the village , in the valley , everyone was different , alert that the portal will remain strong as ever , with guards to cover the valley , their home . The witch , the wizard and the warlock , met at 12 , to discuss next what would happen . They knew they could no longer contain their world and the humans would find them , they had no more strength to fight , not using their magic for years , it was exhausted , they had pretended to have the balance of all magical beings , they too had lost magic . Theo had visions , and could remember things , but his past was hazy , but he always dreamed of a horse , he thought it was because he slept in stables as a child . But just on Friday night, a little after 12:30 am , in the early morning , the sky began to thunder , there was silence , cold and a different energy in the breeze .

In the valley , everyone was awake to the portal opening , the queen woke up , feeling as if her body was burning , and Theo felt a noise , which shook him , they were all prompted to leave , in the middle of the dawn , when the moonlight shone on the same path , they just watched in silence , the queen was a white witch and her sister was black , both separated the kingdoms , she was the only one able to close the portal , so her skin was burning , her magic was exploding in her , it made her sprout veins and deform her face , her place was power and she rejected it all her life , she did not want to acknowledge her nature , and Theo was part of her blood , her son , destiny was for them both to rule both worlds , that was why she remembered horses , her unicorn left him at the gates of the church , that was why the queen fell ill , the king had to hide who he was , they could never have normal children , therefore , Tera the king of the whole kingdom , his power was the most feared , he possessed , a superior gift ,to see the past and see your soul with just a glance .

His whole life was one of hiding, a spell he had to wear, living a miserable life, but one that kept him alive, being 17 years old, the prophecy was to be fulfilled and he was to replace it, take control and bring magic and reality together as one.



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