[ESP-ENG] Horror Stories, the suicida || Historia de terror, la suicida

Authored by @Aleh

Post de Instagram Descuentos Promoción Colores Pastel Creativo Rosa.jpg

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Hola como estan! , bienvenidos a los que son nuevos leyendo mis post, este será otro " Modo Aleh ", sobre mis experiencias creando historias.


suicidarme por amor , es lo mas patético que pude haber hecho , es lo mas retorcido , triste y de cobardes , fui débil , sumisa y me enamore , un error básico en cualquier adolescente , podría haber sido la cantante , la presidenta de un pais , haber conocido el mundo , ser feliz .... Pero no sucedió , solo fui una victima de Josh , un guapo , visionario , líder , hijo de papa , si preguntan si es rico , no, no lo era , yo si! . Les contare mi historia , Soy Meghan y así me auto suicidé .

La universidad siempre fue importante para mi padre y para mi no , yo me distraigo rápido en cualquiera cosa que me haga feliz , los planes de hacer planes , me aburren , no soy organizada y siendo única hija , los poco momentos de desorden son lo máximo . Josh entro en mi vida , de una manera rápida y sin poder negarme , su encanto , su cara perfecta , sus ojos verdes , todo un galán de revista de adolescentes , donde su único defecto es ser deseado por todas , yo soy la chica que no tiene una categoría , aunque digan que sea popular por mi familia , yo jamás lo he sido , romper el molde , ha sido mi misión de vida . Mi amor por Josh ha sido rebelde , salvaje , apasionado , mi primer novio y por supuesto hombre .. Como cualquier chica , escribo un diario y allí están mis mas alocadas experiencias y mis pensamientos , algo que jamás quisiera revelar y que posiblemente ya sabrán con lo que pasaría a continuación , pero es que mi vida ha sido tan normal y este cambio jamás podría haberlo esperado . La primera ves que Josh y yo , estuvimos juntos , fue especial , quizás saben los detalles del dolor y lo incomodo , pero quizás yo estaba tan enamorada que los obvie , el fue delicado , mucho , no se si es normal en los hombres , era mi primera y única experiencia , sus besos , sus caricias , con mucha pasión y algo de fuerza , me hicieron alucinar , era bello , perfecto y mío ... Pasaron los días y el estuvo distinto , no lo veía mucho , no me sentía bien y creía que era la sensación de que algo le había pasado , tenia escalofríos , paranoia , ganas de vomitar , si esto fuera real , que haría sin Josh . Solo quería verlo y saber que estaba bien , pero seguía incapaz de salir a buscarlo , me sentía débil , no dormía , mis padres estaban de viaje y no sabia que hacer .

Normalmente dependía de ellos y de Josh , hacia lo que ellos dijeran , muchas veces a mi manera , pero siempre volvía a ellos , no se que tenia , pero debía ir a buscar a Josh , salí y no sabían de el , ya había pasado un mes o mas , con lo mal que estaba , no note que había sido mucho tiempo , al llegar a su casa por ultima vez del recorrido que hice , note que era Josh con alguien mas en su patio trasero , cuando iba a llamarlo vi que un hombre llego y se besaron , mi grito ahogado sin notar que había salido de mi , corrí pero noto que era yo , me persiguió , pero me escondí , me desmaye y no supe de mi , hasta que me desperté en alguna casa y alguien me hablo diciendo si yo y mi bebe estábamos bien , bebe ? , cual ? donde estoy .



Hello, how are you? welcome to those of you who are new to reading my posts, this will be another "Aleh Mode", about my experiences creating stories.

committing suicide for love , is the most pathetic thing I could have done , it's the most twisted , sad and cowardly thing , I was weak , submissive and fell in love , a basic mistake in any teenager , I could have been the singer , the president of a country , known the world , be happy .... But it didn't happen , I was just a victim of Josh , a handsome , visionary , leader , son of a daddy , if you ask if he is rich , no he wasn't , I was ! . I'll tell you my story , I'm Meghan and that's how I self committed suicide .

College was always important to my dad and not to me , I get distracted fast on anything that makes me happy , plans to make plans , I get bored , I'm not organized and being an only child , the little messy moments are the ultimate . Josh came into my life, in a quick and undeniable way, his charm, his perfect face, his green eyes, a real teen magazine heartthrob, where his only flaw is being desired by everyone, I am the girl who has no category, although they say I am popular because of my family, I have never been popular, breaking the mold, has been my life mission. My love for Josh has been rebellious, wild, passionate, my first boyfriend and of course man ... Like any girl, I write a diary and in it are my wildest experiences and my thoughts, something I would never want to reveal and you will probably already know what happens next, but my life has been so normal and this change could never have been expected. The first time that Josh and I were together, it was special, maybe you know the details of pain and discomfort, but maybe I was so in love that obviated them, he was delicate, much, I do not know if it is normal in men, it was my first and only experience, his kisses, his caresses, with great passion and some strength, made me hallucinate, it was beautiful, perfect and mine ... Days went by and he was different , I didn't see him much , I didn't feel well and I thought it was the feeling that something had happened to him , I had chills , paranoia , I felt like throwing up , if this was real , what would I do without Josh . I just wanted to see him and know he was okay , but I still couldn't go out and look for him , I felt weak , I didn't sleep , my parents were away and I didn't know what to do .

I usually depended on them and Josh , I did what they said , often in my own way , but I always came back to them , I don't know what I had , but I had to go and find Josh , I went out and they hadn't heard from him , it had been a month or more , as bad as I was , I didn't notice it had been a long time , when I got to his house for the last time of the trip I did , I noticed it was Josh with someone else in his backyard , as I was going to call him I saw a man come in and they kissed , my muffled scream not noticing it had come from me , I ran but he noticed it was me , he chased me , but I hid , I blacked out and didn't hear from me , until I woke up in some house and someone spoke to me saying were me and my baby ok , baby ? Which one? Where am I?



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