Would you give a second chance? (Esp/Ing)



Is it possible to trust someone again? Perhaps many will say no, because it is a really difficult job.

Because when an acquaintance crosses that line it is very difficult to rebuild what has already been destroyed.

It is very difficult to rebuild what has already been destroyed, but it is not really impossible, but if it was difficult at the beginning for the second
opportunity it will be three times as costly.

The human life is a reflection of its society, with this I mean that the experience of each one of us is different and that is a
experience of each of us is different and that is a fact of logic, but ask yourself if it would be worth it for someone to forgive you for someone else.

You for a mistake that you have made unconsciously, because let's be honest, maybe we are not the ones who
because let's be honest, maybe we are not able to forgive another person if his mistake is made consciously and premeditatedly.
consciously and premeditatedly.

I would be willing to give someone else a chance to win back your trust,
maybe that's the million-dollar question... I mean, we have a lot of predefined
We have many predefined concepts about what we are and what we expect from the people around us, but these concepts, when exposed to the
concepts when exposed to the contradiction with themselves to which side is usually inclined the balance in most occasions...
towards conscience, openness and reflection, or to the opposite case, to punishment, revenge, retaliation and
or, on the contrary, towards punishment, revenge, vengeance and rancor?

Are we all really capable of forgiving, of getting to that point? what would you forgive?
who would you forgive... why would you forgive them... do they deserve another chance?

I am not perfect nor do I seek to appear to be, because even when I meditate on these issues
I can still feel resentment for something or someone in my life and sometimes I don't remember it until I come across something that reminds me of it.

Something that reminds me of it, but at the same time I have met people whose lives revolve around revenge.

Lives revolve around revenge and the opposite is also true for people who have even had very low things done to them and have
and have forgiven their victimizers and give the opportunity to renew the trust that they first gave them
which to me is amazing.

Anyway, I know that all of us, including you who read me, have had the opportunity and the context to think about these questions from your point of view.

To think about these questions from your point of view and in the same way the decision that you have taken is for you the
the right one for you, but we would feel good if we were measured with the same yardstick if we were to be
the same yardstick if we were at the other end of the problem?

Thank you for reading and I invite you to reflect, soon I will be uploading videos on these topics,

Poems and many more topics, follow me and let's keep in touch, I bet there is a lot of interesting and original content on this
a lot of interesting and original content on this platform that the world should be able to enjoy....
enjoy... Cordial and fraternal farewell @alan8a


¿Es posible volver a confiar en alguien? Tal vez muchos dirán que no porque es un trabajo verdaderamente difícil, ya que cuando algún conocido cruza esa línea es muy difícil volver a edificar lo ya destruido, pero realmente no es imposible pero si fue difícil al inicio para la segunda oportunidad será el triple de costoso.

La vida humana es un reflejo de su sociedad, con esto quiero decir que la experiencia de cada uno
de nosotros es diferente y eso es un hecho de lógica, pero pregúntate sí valdría la pena que
alguien te perdonase a ti por algún error que hayas cometido inconscientemente, porque seamos
sinceros tal vez nosotros no seamos capaces de perdonar a otra persona si su error lo hace
consciente y premeditadamente.

Estaría dispuesto a darle una oportunidad a otra persona para que se vuelva a ganar tu confianza,
tal vez sea esa la pregunta del millón de dólares... Es decir, tenemos muchos conceptos
predefinidos sobre lo que somos y esperamos de las personas que nos rodean, pero estos
conceptos al estar expuestos ante la contradicción consigo mismos a que lado se suele inclinar la
balanza en la mayoría de ocasiones... hacia la conciencia, la apertura y la reflexión, ¿O al caso
contrario al castigo la revancha la venganza y el rencor?

¿De verdad somos todos capaces de perdonar? ¿De llegar a ese punto?... ¿que perdonarías?... a
¿quien perdonarías?... ¿porque lo perdonarías?... ¿se merece otra oportunidad?

No soy perfecto ni tampoco busco aparentarlo, porque aun cuando medito sobre estos temas
igual puedo sentir rencor por algo o alguien en mi vida y a veces no lo recuerdo hasta que me topo
con algo que me lo recuerda, pero al mismo tiempo he conocido a personas las cuales sus vidas
giran en torno a la venganza e igual al caso contrario apersonas que incluso le han hecho cosas
muy bajas y han perdonado a sus victimarios y dan la oportunidad para renovar la confianza que
en su primera oportunidad otorgaron, cosa que para mi es asombroso.

En fin, sé que a nosotros incluyendo a usted que me lee, ha tenido la oportunidad y el contexto de
pensar desde su punto de vista estas interrogantes y de la misma forma la decisión que haya
tomado es para usted la mas acertada, pero nos sentiríamos bien ¿Si a nosotros nos midiesen con
la misma vara si llegamos a estar en el otro extremo del problema?

Gracias por leer y te invito a la reflexión, pronto estaré subiendo videos sobre estas temáticas,
sobre poemas y muchos temas mas, sígueme y mantengamos la comunicación, apuesto a que hay
mucho contenido interesante y original en esta plataforma del cual el mundo debería poder
disfrutar... Se despide cordial y fraternalmente @alan8a

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traducciones: Deepl.com
Banderas: Español Ingles

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translations: Deepl.com
Flags: Spanish English
