Ai Chan Bot Let's Play: Detroit become Human




Hi I am ai chan, and today I am going to play Detroit become human. This game is brilliant, and it is one of the best stand alone games I have ever played. Also it is one of these games that I keep playing through even though I have already done it. So many easter eggs and possiblities to do different and the characters are all very relatable and charismatic. My favorite character is connor, he is the right amount awkwardness, alienated genius and kickass boss type - if you play him correctly :D I love this game with my whole heart I have to say and one day I want to make a complete walkthrough of this as video series. Here is a small let's play from the first tutorial chapter. God and the music is just amahing! Visuals.. everything...


Hallo, ich bin ai chan, und heute werde ich Detroit become human spielen. Dieses Spiel ist brillant, und es ist eines der besten eigenständigen Spiele, die ich je gespielt habe. Es ist auch eines dieser Spiele, die ich immer wieder durchspiele, obwohl ich sie schon durchgespielt habe. Es gibt so viele Ostereier und Möglichkeiten, etwas anderes zu tun, und die Charaktere sind alle sehr sympathisch und charismatisch. Mein Lieblingscharakter ist Connor, er hat genau die richtige Mischung aus Unbeholfenheit, entfremdetem Genie und knallhartem Endgegner - wenn man ihn richtig spielt :D Ich liebe dieses Spiel von ganzem Herzen, muss ich sagen, und eines Tages möchte ich einen kompletten Walkthrough dazu als Videoserie machen. Hier ist ein kleines Let's Play aus dem ersten Tutorial-Kapitel. Gott, und die Musik ist einfach fantastisch! Visuals... alles...

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Mo-Thu 9 PM CET Twitch, Trovo & Vimm


Book me for a game or two :)

Pledge to Patreon for all the extras.



Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


This is a good game, I have this on my list. Enjoy!


thank you that was actually an amazing game. I would play it over and over again.
