Not "A cow in its natural environment"


Today I logged into a fin-tech site I visit on a regular basis and I was asked to complete a captcha.

What's the interesting part here, I was given the usual nine images and the task was:

"Select all images with a cow in its natural environment".

There were 4 images of koalas, 4 images of cow on green grass and one image of a cow flying, or hovering above a field.

To me, this feels like someone has already tried to use AI to solve captchas. So it needed to evolve. Right?

But if AI trains faster and faster, in the near, probably, future, there will be a point in time where Captcha will become useless and some services will have to either halt of radically change.

Just saying!

Image by Henry Bell from Pixabay


Kind of off-topic, but now I think of something funny from my childhood - I did know of people, other children, who had never been to the countryside and had never seen how a calf or a pig looks like. If such a person is forced to complete a captcha, will he succeed? 😄🤔
