The Slight Escape



Secondary schools are always full of fun, I believe many of us still have series of memories about our secondary schools and that's why I will be sharing you a funny experience that happened during my secondary school days.

The school I attended was owned by a deeper life church member, which made this school has zero tolerance for indiscipline and any slight offence result to serious beating. Our teacher are friendly but are disciplinarian. When you see them walking around the school, they have one special companion with them which is cane. They hold it wherever they go, infact some go to the extent of keeping it in their pocket and bags.😂😂😂


Infact, I remember if any of them forget to bring their cane to the class. We are always happy because it's just like a man who escapes the lion's den. Our teacher believes in the popular saying of "Spare the rod, Spoil the child"

They believe they are training us by using canes on us. There is this popular statement they use to utter when they are about flogging us.

I will reset your brain with my cane

When you hear that word it's better you step back or else tonnes of canes will start rolling on your head.

Mr tolu, Our basic science teacher is not left out, At the sight of him, every student will start running. He was so strict and He can beat mercilessly. In fact most time we wonder maybe he was baptized with a special spirit that possesses him when he is about flogging students.

I remember a student asking him if he was from the lineage of those who worship masquerade, instead of answering him he descended on him heavily with his cane, it was a bad day for the boy. His lips were swollen, and the swollen lips could be compared with the shape of a round ball, I'm sure his parent won't recognize him at first sight because Mr. Tolu's cane has done reconstructing work on his face.


The best way to avoid sustaining bruises from Mr. Tolu's cane is just by avoiding him. Once he beats you on your buttocks, it takes weeks for you to recover fully.

That how strict he was.

Mr. Tolu leaves close to the school farm, and the closest route to his house was to pass through the school farm. It was an easy route to pay him back for the reconstructing work his cane has done on many students' bodies.

As a result of this, many students hated him. So we all decided to pay Mr tolu back by setting a trap for him on his way home.

On this faithful day, Mr tolu stepped out of the school, as usual, we quickly run ahead of him to set a trap for him. I know you will be anxious to know the kind of trap. We went ahead to tie the grasses across the part towards the school farm, As soon as we sighted him from afar, we went to hide inside the bush.


Mr tolu was singing while walking down to the school farm. Just as soon as he walk down the part, he innocently deep his leg into the tied grass, which almost make him fall, but he was so careful enough and notice the grass was tied up.

Oops, it was so painful for us because we took our time to tie those grasses together but it did not work.

While still hiding in the bush with my friend, I heard a strange sound in the bush, I choose to ignore the sound thinking it was my friend. When the sound did not stop, I had to tap my friend. As soon as I look in her direction, Guess what I saw, it was a big snake, very close to the tree next to us. I could not hold myself nor could I think straight. I was so scared that I jump and ran away. I ran like someone being chased by a lion.


In fact, I never care to wait for a second, I ran until I get to the next street close to my house, It was when I get to the next street, I noticed my foot was not balanced, could it be that I hurt my leg or what, I look down and noticed I have been running with just one shoe on my right leg and the other shoe is missing. All this while I never noticed that I have lost a shoe while escaping from a snake, I had to leap till I get home without caring what my neighbors will say.


Who cares about shoes in front of a big snake? I know many of you will do worst than I did at the sight of the snake. Even though I was quite worried about the missing shoe but I cheer up because I can't imagine falling while running and losing a tooth, it's better to lose a shoe than to lose a tooth with these beautiful gap teeth of mine.😂😂😂😂


Thanks for reading......


some go to the extent of keeping it in their pocket and bags

How do they do it exactly? Are canes arrangeable or something? 😂 They aren't supposed to contain pockets or bags.

asking him if he was from the lineage of those who worship masquerade

He called for the beating... That question was trouble calling so I'm not surprised he saw the masquerade offspring in action again.

The sight of snakes can send anyone running like flash, only the strong minded stays to see the colour of the snake 🤣


Lol😂😂😂, he called for trouble indeed


Yeah, you shouldn't lose a tooth when it seem like you've lost one already... Lol
