Visit Paramo Coffee (ESP/ENG)


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El café para mi se ha convertido en un vicio, es algo que mi cuerpo, mente y hasta mi alma pide en las mañanas y también a otras horas del día jajaja, hay un lugar que siempre había querido visitar, pero por falta de dinero no pasaba del mostrador, pero desde que conocí esta gran comunidad y como ahora #Hive me ha permitido darme algunos gustillos, pues decidí ir a visitarlo como de debe y he venido a compartir con ustedes mi experiencia, ese lugar se llama Paramo Café.

Coffee for me has become a vice, it is something that my body, mind and even my soul asks for in the mornings and also at other times of the day hahaha, there is a place that I had always wanted to visit, but for lack of money did not pass the counter, but since I met this great community and as now #Hive has allowed me to give me some treats, I decided to visit it as it should and I have come to share with you my experience, that place is called Paramo Café.




Este lugar como toda cadena comenzó con una sola cafetería, la que he visitado se encuentra en el centro de Caracas la capital de mi amada Venezuela y se encuentra en el casco histórico, muy cerca de la casa natal del Liberador Simón Bolívar y por ello su fachada es como la de las casas de la época y solo se encuentra remodelado en su interior, para mí esta fachada estilo colonial lo hace mucho más atractivo. Si desean conocer más de la cadena o grupo por aquí les dejo el enlace con todo los detalles.

This place like any other chain started with only one coffee shop, the one I have visited is located in downtown Caracas, the capital of my beloved Venezuela and is located in the historic center, very close to the birthplace of the Liberator Simon Bolivar and therefore its facade is like the houses of the time and is only remodeled inside, for me this colonial style facade makes it much more attractive. If you want to know more about the chain or group here I leave you the link with all the details.



Ahora bien, como podrán ver, el mostrador aunque no es muy grande muestra cosas deliciosas en su aparador tienen tortas, muffin, ponques o Cupcakes, sándwiches, galletas, croissants entre otros para acompañar el café que deseemos tomar también hay unos cafés en presentación fría, los cuales no probe, pero pienso hacerlo y dedicar otra publicación a ello, el tema es que hay cafés de todos los tipos a los que los venezolanos estamos acostumbrados y también otro tipo para aventurarnos a probar o experimentar.

Now, as you can see, the counter although it is not very big shows delicious things in their cupboard they have cakes, muffins, cupcakes, sandwiches, cookies, croissants among others to accompany the coffee we want to drink, there are also some coffees in cold presentation, which I did not try, but I plan to do it and dedicate another publication to it, the theme is that there are coffees of all types to which we Venezuelans are accustomed and also another type to venture to try or experiment.



En mi caso yo soy amante de tortas, muffin, Cupcakes, bueno en realidad de todo lo que vi en la vitrina, así que decidí pedir un cafe guayoyo mediano, sirven cafés en tres presentaciones (pequeño, mediano y grande) y no pude resistirme a comprar algo más para acompañar ese café, pero había tanta delicia que no sabía que elegir, torta de chocolate, zanahoria, limón, pero terminé eligiendo un muffin con chipás de chocolate que estaba simplemente exquisito.

Por otro lado, en cuanto al local es agradable, bien aseado, un poco caluroso, pero muy lindo, tienen un cristal sobre el área de las mesas, que da ese color rojizo que aprecian en las fotos, pero que al mismo tiempo da sensación de calidez, el personal es muy amable y te atienden de maravilla, incluso te llevan tu pedido a la mesa.

In my case I am a lover of cakes, muffins, cupcakes, well actually everything I saw in the window, so I decided to order a medium guayoyo coffee, they serve coffees in three presentations (small, medium and large) and I could not resist buying something else to go with that coffee, but there was so much delight that I did not know what to choose, chocolate cake, carrot, lemon, but I ended up choosing a muffin with chocolate chips that was simply exquisite.

On the other hand, the place is nice, well clean, a little warm, but very nice, they have a glass over the table area, which gives that reddish color that you can see in the photos, but at the same time gives a feeling of warmth, the staff is very friendly and they serve you wonderfully, they even take your order to the table.



Por si todo eso fuera poco, venden café en polvo, en distintas presentaciones por si deseas volver a degustar en casa el sabor de ese delicioso café que preparan en sus diferentes sedes, también tazas y vasos, la única diferencia es que el café que sirven en sus cafeterías es elaborado en máquinas expresas lo que de alguna manera siempre da un sabor diferente al café.

As if all this were not enough, they sell coffee powder, in different presentations in case you want to taste at home the flavor of that delicious coffee that they prepare in their different locations, also cups and glasses, the only difference is that the coffee they serve in their cafeterias is made in espresso machines which somehow always gives a different flavor to the coffee.

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En conclusión, paramo café del centro, es un lugar acogedor donde puedes disfrutar de un delicioso café acompañado de algo más, de acorde a tu gusto, en compañía de amigos o familia, para pasar un raro diferente, además hay para todos los precios, en pocas palabras para varios presupuestos, así me despido esperando leer sus impresiones en el cajón de comentarios sean que ya hayan visitado ese lugar o no, un enorme abrazo para todos.

In conclusion, Paramo Café del Centro is a cozy place where you can enjoy a delicious coffee accompanied by something else, according to your taste, in the company of friends or family, to spend a rare different, there are also for all prices, in short for various budgets, so I say goodbye waiting to read your impressions in the comments box whether you have already visited this place or not, a big hug for everyone.


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Click on the banner to get redirect to the server. Art made by @tripode


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@aliento initiative by @eddiespino and @grisvisa





Hello @actioncats, The cafe has a wide range of baked goods, I bet the coffee is great too.
I do agree that HIVE is a great facilitator for possibilities in this current climate.
We're lucky to have gotten onboard.
Have a great week :)


That's right #hive allowed me to finally visit this place, I wanted to do it for a long time.
As for the variety of products, everything looks so delicious and fresh that the only way not to be left wanting is to return to visit Paramo coffee, hahaha and try on each visit something different, as you say they have a variety of presentations and ways for coffee is a very nice place that is worth going repeatedly.Thank you for commenting on my publication, a big hug for you and may you also have an incredible week in which you should not miss the coffee.


I wonder, are those mugs and cups for sale? they look pretty nice and I want to get them!


Yes, but don't ask about the prices, I want to go again, it is quite close to the office, so the next time I go I will ask about the prices of the cups, glasses and coffee powder.


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