New coffee maker (ENG/SPA)

My dear friends coffee lovers, I am happy to be with you again, this time to share with this beautiful community and its readers, the happiness of having a new artifact that allows me to drink coffee with greater comfort, since I bought a coffee maker, yes a new coffee maker, so I come to share with you how things happened and my first opinions and impressions about the coffee maker.



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I had already told you that the coffee pot we had at home, turned out to be of very poor quality, but we left its structure to brew the coffee, although it was useful some time ago I wanted to buy a new one and apparently the universe listened to me because one morning the cup of that old coffee pot simply broke and the whole lower part came off, my husband could not find a way to clean the mess that this caused, besides the fact that coffee was spilled, something very sad indeed.


Now, as it usually happens, things do not come alone, it is enough that something is damaged, to damage others behind, it is like a domination effect and I do not remember well, if it was before or after the coffee maker broke, but I was without a washing machine and that was a real headache, because there are no spare parts for that equipment and I had to choose to repair one that I had saved (fortunately) and for that if all the parts were found, so the coffee maker had to wait a bit, but it was still present in my mind.


On the other hand, in the middle of all this, my grandmother died, that was a hard event that is still in process and drinking coffee is to remember her with much love, as she enjoyed drinking coffee, it was like a sacred moment and enjoyment, her face was a poem in those moments; so I had spent days touring stores and seeing prices, but could not find one that I really liked that also had permanent filter and good price, so I thought it might be best to wait for the offers and discounts that some stores give at the beginning of the year.



In spite of all of the above, yesterday while watching TV I started to look on the internet and I don't know where I found a store that had good prices and with shipping to a nearby point, so I decided to buy the coffee maker that you see in the images, it is an 8-10 cup coffee maker with a permanent filter, with a cost of almost 18 dollars, it was a very fast process since I did everything online.



Obviously the first use was only with water to remove any residue that might remain, so now I look for any excuse to prepare coffee, hahaha, I know it is not a recognized brand, but I think that many times we are charged a higher price more for the reputation of the brand than for a real quality, so in some things I have ventured to buy new brand appliances.


As for the coffee maker itself, the material feels resistant, the plate where the cup rests looks and feels well made and coated, it has its socks on the tank and on the cup that allow guidance as to the amount of water, the filter as I pointed out is removable, washable and reusable, but I read on the box that the coffee maker is also compatible with paper filters #4 cone type for coffee makers from 8 to 12 cups, which is an option if the filter is damaged.

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Finally, I let you know in case you did not notice already, that I am like a little girl with a new toy, happy and using my coffee maker every time I can, if you who read me have run out of coffee maker or want to replace the one you have do it, do not deny yourself those things that give us satisfaction, pleasure and simplify our life, because this life is very short and you have to give yourself those pleasures and more if through #HIVE we can give us some of them and much more if they have to do with coffee, now I say goodbye a big hug.




Mis queridos amigos amantes del café, estoy feliz de estar con ustedes nuevamente, esta vez para compartir con esta bella comunidad y sus lectores, la felicidad de tener un nuevo artefacto que me permite tomar café con mayor comodidad, ya que compre una cafetera, sí una cafetera nueva, así que vengo a compartir con ustedes como ocurrieron las cosas y mis primeras opiniones e impresiones sobre la cafetera.

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Ya les había comentado que la cafetera que teníamos en casa, resulto ser de muy mala calidad, pero dejamos su estructura para colar el café, aunque resultaba útil hace algún tiempo yo deseaba comprar una nueva y al parecer el universo me escucho porque una mañana la tasa de esa cafetera vieja simplemente se rompió se le desprendió toda la parte baja, mi esposo no encontraba como limpiar el desastre que esto ocasiono, además de que se derramo café, algo de verdad muy triste.

Ahora bien, como suele ocurrir, las cosas no vienen solas, basta y sobra que se dañe algo, para detrás se dañen otras, es como un efecto dominio y no recuerdo bien, si fue antes o después de que se rompiera la cafetera, pero estaba sin lavadora y eso fue un verdadero dolor de cabeza, debido a que no hay repuestos para ese equipo y tuve que optar por reparar una que tenía guardada (afortunadamente) y para esa si se encontraron todos los repuestos, así que la cafetera tuvo que esperar un poco, pero seguía presente en mi mente.

Por otro lado, en medio de todo esto, murió mi abuela, ese fue acontecimiento duro que todavía esta en proceso y tomar café es recordarla con mucho amor, ya que ella disfrutaba mucho tomar café, era como un momento sagrado y de disfrute su cara era un poema en esos momentos; así que llevaba días recorriendo tiendas y viendo precios, pero no encontraba una que de verdad me gustara que además tuviera filtro permanente y buen precio, así que pensé que lo mejor podría ser esperar las ofertas y descuentos que algunas tiendas dan a comienzos de año.

A pesar de todo lo anterior, ayer mientras veía tele comencé a ojear en internet y me salió no sé de dónde una tienda que tenia buenos precios y con envió a hasta un punto cercano, así que me decidí y adquirí la cafetera que ven en las imágenes es de 8-10 tazas con filtro permanente, con un costo de casi 18 dólares fue un proceso muy rápido ya que todo lo hice vía online.

Así mismo y como es de esperarse, ya la probe y de verdad me encanta, obviamente el primer uso fue solo con agua para eliminar cualquier residuo que pudiera quedar, así que ahora busco cualquier excusa, para preparar café, jajaja, se que no es una marca reconocida, pero creo que muchas veces nos cobran un mayor precio mas por el renombre de la marca que, por una verdadera calidad, así que en algunas cosas me he aventurado por comprar artefactos de marcas nuevas.

En cuanto a la cafetera en sí, el material se siente resistente, la plancha donde reposa la taza se ve y se siente bien elaborada y revestida, tiene sus medias en el tanque y en la taza que permiten guiarse en cuanto a la cantidad de agua, el filtro como señale es removible, lavable y reusable, pero leí en la caja que además la cafetera es compatible con filtros de papel #4 tipo cono para cafeteras des 8 a 12 tazas, lo cual es una opción si el filtro llegara a dañarse.

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Por último, les hago saber por si no lo notaron ya, que estoy cono niña con juguete nuevo, feliz y usando mi cafetera cada vez que puedo, si ustedes que me leen se han quedado sin cafetera o desean sustituir la que tienen háganlo, no se nieguen esas cosas que nos dan satisfacción, placer y nos simplifican la vida, ya que esta vida es muy corta y hay que darse esos gustos y mas si por medio de #HIVE podemos darnos algunos de ellos y mucho mas si tienen que ver con el café, ahora me despido un gran abrazo.


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Hello @actioncats, that new coffee maker looks like a pretty decent pot and a common brand that you could probably get replacement parts for if needed.
I cannot imagine the grief it must have been to clean the mess from the broken coffee pot.
I do miss the taste of coffee from a drop machine.
Enjoy your new purchase:)


My dear @millycf1976 so far has turned out well, we are adapting to it because it has a larger cup than the one that broke and that requires a little more coffee, until we find the exact point, I saw some excellent models on the page with line of the store some espresso makers but small I was delighted, for now this is fine because I have to buy a new kitchen and that is a goal for next year.


Hello again:)
Your plans for a new kitchen sounds good, s it's the first area in a house that tends to need attention.
Something good to look forward to in the new year :)


Filter coffee is really underrated, have you tried out Mocha Java? Very fruity flavored coffee. But I hope you enjoy every cup of coffee that machine makes ! Nice machine!!


There are so many ways to brew coffee that we could write a book, I do not know if that brand is available here in Venezuela, I want to buy some roasted ones that I saw to see how it goes, but I will look for that one, maybe some bodegón la triga if it is from another country.


with coffee maker, we can be a barista hehe, nice story


Of course we will have to venture out and learn
