Using Crypto and "Minting Your Own Money(HIVE)" Takes a Bit of Power Away From The Government


"Milton Friedman was an American economist and statistician who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy."

In 1999, Milton Friedman has literally predicted Bitcoin in such a manner, or he's just another one who traveled through time and saw what the future held for humanity. On a serious note though, this man has foreseen the future of decentralized e-cash, back in '99, as you can hear from himself in this short clip, part of a broader interview.

Mr. Friedman has taken into account the possibility of such e-cash/Bitcoin could be used by criminals to, and that might have happened, to some extent, but that doesn't mean cash hasn't been used as well in sustaining illegal activities, or that banks haven't supported such activities.

There are two important takeaways from this short clip. The first is the fact that the governments were no longer working for the people, since that era, and that was quite obvious, otherwise Mr. Friedman wouldn't emphasize the need of reducing the role of the government, back in '99.

The second one being that, without government and central banks that e-cash has to be decentralized, working in a manner that there's no external control over the network, from outside the network and that there's no third party handling the transactions, meaning that those would be private.

Mind you that this interview is from way back in 1999. I've got my first mobile phone in 2002 and I could never envision how on earth governments would harness such control power over us citizens as they currently do and this man was talking Bitcoin three years prior to the purchase of my first mobile phone.

It just came out recently that as of February 15, 2022, all the citizens of Austria shall be officially informed that they must take the experimental vaccine and as of then, the ones who refuse it will face fines of €600 every three months and prison time for whoever exceeds €3,600 and doesn't have the cash to pay.

Do we really need crypto at this point?

Hell yeah. I know that crypto won't mysteriously fix those tyrannical forces trying to implement such a police state, model which will probably be copied in many other countries, but using crypto and minting your own money takes a bit of power away from the government.

Not paying taxes, if possible, adds to that. But when such measures will be enforced successfully, other ones not necessarily related to covid will follow and sooner than later we won't be able to move without big brother watching us and controlling our moves... I know, it sounds Orwellian, but it could happen.

Bitcoin was created "to reduce the power of governments" and not to speculate on it and leverage trade it. That's the rat race mentality in which many crypto people have fallen. It's the distraction governments definitely don't mind. When using Bitcoin and other cryptos as e-cash is when we take away a bit of power from these tyrannical governments.

Thanks for attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
