The New Constitution - Living War Crimes (Covid as an Act of War)


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The New Constitution: Living War Crimes

An excellent video by Book of Ours, uploaded 2nd January, 2023

Please share this video far and wide. It's exceptionally informative and impactful. By blending constitutional rights and philosophical explanations, we are provided a succint overview of how several federal government agencies within the USA have been able to unleash a perpetual state of emergency by the 'performance art masterwork of COVID-19' as a Grand Declaration of War againt all life and all individual freedom.

Weapons of Biological Warfare do not require any due diligence or proper clinical safety trails nor risk assessment made in the public's interest. This is because in a state of war (ergo, "State of Emergency"), minimal or no regard is given to the enemy and in this case the enemy is us..

12m 45s: Pfizer's extraordinary disclosure of the OTA government contract in response to Ms Jackson's suit labeling the vaccine as a large-scale manufacturing demonstration of a prototype makes it clearer that the product is a countermeasure or bioweapon and not actually a pharmaceutical drug since it's a prototype product deployed by a military project rather than a pharmaceutical product distributed for Public Health

19m 16s: Stop calling them vaccines! They are nothing more than toxic experiments the Department of Defense is conducting on the population. This is an anti-human anti-life system where the DoD is utilizing the same deployment methods as they would use to deploy a weapon on an enemy. But these weapons were simply labeled or packaged or marketed to the public as medicine or vaccines.

4,560 views Jan 2, 2023 - yt channel @BookofOurs
At long last here is the video essay Julie has been spending days and nights working on. It's been a real challenge to get this one produced!
And, we hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas. During the break, Julie spent most of her time finishing up this 45 minute video essay. She's been working on it since October and it's one of the best video essays she's ever done. We hope you enjoy it.
We wanted to make sure you our patrons got it before the New Year and it looks like we made it!

All our best,
JP and Julie

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