Headache when varying caffeine level (+ Participate in the polls)

Headache when varying caffeine level (+ Participate in the polls)


I call this photo ☝️ : Coffee turns me upside down.

I just did two polls on INLEO on this topic and I would be very happy if you would participate and comment on this post. The caffeine in coffee is sometimes associated with headaches that some people feel. Have you heard about it? What is your opinion? How does it work for you?

Abstain from coffee in the morning.

This is what the first poll is all about.


You may have heard someone say, "If I don't drink coffee in the morning I get a headache." And it sounds like a lie, but it turns out to be the truth. Some people if they don't drink that morning coffee it affects their mood, state of mind and even energy. They think that the only solution is to drink coffee. Why does this happen?

I am not a professional, nor have I studied this, but the most accepted idea I have heard among the people around me is that they need the dose of caffeine that coffee contains. If they don't get it, the body feels a deficit of this substance and struggles to stay functional. Then the headache appears. Many say that it is a symptom of abstinence, as it happens with other substances.

In my case, I don't get a headache if I don't drink coffee in the morning. I have already done the test. I hope I can keep it up for a long time. But if you are one of those who abstain from coffee in the morning... well, what can I tell you? Well, what can I say, we can't judge people. I just hope you stay happy on those days where it's hard to get your hands on the black gold.

Drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening


That's what the second poll is all about.

There is a group of people that if they drink coffee in the afternoon or evening it affects them when they go to bed. It is as if it over-stimulates them and then they can't fall asleep, they wake up. Why?

Again, my uninformed opinion is that maybe they are not used to receiving caffeine, so, when consuming it the body assimilates it and then it takes effect faster, making their mind and body feel more active. But it turns out that it is rather time to shut down.

What can I tell you if that happens to you, dear reader? Well, that you still make choices about your own body. But, wait! I've got the solution for you. If you are offered a coffee at that time, ask for a light, light coffee, and that way it won't have so much caffeine. Furthermore, remember that the caffeine load is proportional to the time that the coffee is in contact with the water, in the brewing process.


Coffee continues to be one of the wonders of creation for the enjoyment of mankind, in all its senses. However, it is necessary to know oneself well in order to continue enjoying the good things in life, such as coffee. If there is an adjustment to be made, it is worth it. Thanks for making it this far, see you next time!

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Ésta foto la llamo☝️: El café me pone de cabeza.

Acabo de hacer dos encuestas en INLEO sobre éste tema y me alegraría mucho que te animes a participar y comentar éste post. La cafeína que contiene el café a veces está asociado con dolores de cabeza que algunos sienten. ¿Has escuchado sobre eso? ¿Cuál es tu opinión? ¿Cómo funciona en tu caso?

Abstenerse de café en la mañana.

De ésto se trata la primera encuesta.


Tal vez hayas escuchado a alguien decir: "Si no tomo café en la mañana me duele la cabeza". Y parece mentira, pero resulta la pura verdad. Algunas personas si no toman ese café de la mañana se le afecta su humor, estado de ánimo e incluso energías. Ellos piensan que la única solución es tomar café. ¿Por qué sucede ésto?

No soy un profesional, ni he estudiado ésto, pero la idea más aceptada que he escuchado entre las personas que me rodean es que necesitan la dosis de cafeína que contiene el café. Si no se la dan, el cuerpo siente un déficit de esta sustancia y lucha para mantenerse funcional. Entonces aparece el dolor de cabeza. Muchos dicen que es un síntoma de abstinencia, como sucede con otras sustancias.

En mi caso, no me duele la cabeza si no tomo café en la mañana. Ya he hecho la prueba. Ojalá pueda mantenerme así mucho tiempo. Pero sí eres de los que abstenerse de café en la mañana le afecta... bueno, ¿qué te puedo decir? No podemos juzgar a las personas. Sólo espero que sigas siendo feliz en esos días donde sea difícil conseguir el oro negro.

Tomar café en la tarde o noche


De eso se trata la segunda encuesta.

Existe un grupo de personas que si toman café en la tarde o noche les afecta cuando van a la cama. Es como si los sobre estimulara y entonces no pueden conciliar el sueño, se desvelan. ¿Por qué?

De nuevo, mi opinión desinformada es que tal vez no están acostumbradas a recibir cafeína, entonces, al consumirla el cuerpo la asimila y entonces hace efecto más rápido, haciendo que su mente y cuerpo se sientan más activos. Pero resulta que más bien es hora de apagarse.

¿Qué puedo decirte si te pasa eso a tí, querido lector? Bueno, que igual tú eliges sobre tu propio cuerpo. Pero, ¡espera! Te tengo la solución. Si te ofrecen un café a esas horas, pide que sea un café ligero, liviano, y de esa forma no tendrá tanta carga de cafeína. Es más, recuerda que la carga de cafeína es proporcional al tiempo que el café está en contacto con el agua, en el colado.


El café sigue siendo una de las maravillas de la creación para el disfrute del hombre, en todos sus sentidos. Con todo, hay que conocerse bien a uno mismo para seguir degustando de las cosas buenas de la vida, como el café. Si hay que hacer algún ajuste, vale la pena. Gracias por llegar hasta aquí. ¡Hasta la próxima!

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Images: Made by me in GIMP with images captured with my Canon EOS Rebel t3i camera.
Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site pfpmaker.com/
Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I absolutely cannot wake up without coffee, and no one who likes me would recognize me if I did I think. 😂

I realize I may have a theme in my habits as I think over the second poll... I can fall asleep while drinking coffee haha (and I have)! Coffee is 24/7 for me 😄

Thanks for the interesting read! Your first picture is captivating as well; I can see why'd you want to title it! ☕️


It is fascinating the different habits and reactions we have as human beings. I know people similar to you in that sense. And it's very cool, because it's easy to know how we can cheer them up or share something. They will never say "no" to a cup of coffee and prepared with love. Thanks for appreciating the content and the photographic material. Regards @grindan


In truth, caffeine has a very great effect on our body, especially in the mornings when we are low on energy and mood, coffee makes the body begin to assimilate the new day.

Drinking coffee at night and not being able to sleep is a matter for each person and how they assimilate caffeine, in my case I can drink coffee and go to sleep peacefully.

Very interesting what you have brought us this day to read.

Thanks for sharing.☕
Good day.


As is. Coffee helps us a lot in the morning. It doesn't matter if we live in a place with very cold or very hot weather, because what coffee helps is as you say for energy. Thanks for appreciating the content. I hope you can participate in the polls. Greetings



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Si mi mamá no toma café en la mañana, le duele la cabeza 🤭 Ya está demasiado acostumbrada a eso. Yo he logrado dejar un poco el café estos días. Solo he tomado café con leche algunos días 🤩 Besitos 😘


De eso se trata. Hay que ponerse a prueba para ver en qué equipo estamos. Es difícil rechazar a un café con leche, así sea a medianoche @purpleglitter 😍
