Blevio: Where Art Meets Nature on the Shores of Lake Como


Hello, fellow travelers!

Today, I want to share with you a place I visited several weeks ago but have always forgotten to share here with you. It's a very beautiful spot on Lake Como, and perhaps some of you have already been there. I enjoy visiting it occasionally, as it gives me the chance to see a dear friend who is fortunate enough to live nearby, right next to this spectacle.


The photos I'm sharing with you here were taken in Blevio, known as the town of mosaics on Lake Como. To this day, it remains a hidden gem of Lake Como. However, thanks to these mosaics, it has become quite famous over the years, not just for us Lombards but also for tourists from all over Italy.



Blevio is located just a few kilometers north of Como. I have always loved the landscape in this area because it offers a mix of mountains and the lake. I must say that this lake has nothing to envy compared to my other favorite lake, which I've also shared here before, Lake Garda.


But how did it become the town of mosaics?


As far as I understand, about ten years ago, the passion and dedication of local and international artists found a place here to create an artistic pathway. I've always been fascinated by art, and I must confess that I wanted to attend art school when I was younger. However, my parents didn't allow it because they wanted me to study accounting, always saying that one cannot make a living from art.




These artists created all these murals, forming a beautiful walking path. I've shared some photos with you here, but there are truly many of them. Each mosaic tells a different story; some are inspired by the surrounding nature, while others draw inspiration from local history and traditions. This is why it can truly be defined as an open-air museum.




After enjoying this walk through art, I went to have a nice tea with my friend, who has a truly beautiful house with an immense garden.


I hope sharing this place with you has been a positive experience. It was a great pleasure for me. I wish you all a good day, and until next time, hoping to share something related to cycling, although I haven't been able to go out much lately.


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